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11 Ways to get your Comping Mojo back

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Do you feel like you’ve lost your comping mojo? Can’t remember the last time you won a prize? Feeling low in comping energy? Feel like giving up? I’ve definitely been on my own comping rollercoaster ride. Winning many prizes then not seeing anything for months. Thinking its all too hard and maybe it’s just not worth it.

I’ve spent weekends trying to come up with the most killer answer possible only to be disappointed when I don’t get that phone call. I’ve even contemplated just giving up but then something comes in the mail or I get an expectant email and I’ve won something! So before you do anything rash stop and read this:

  • There is currently approximately $27,000,000 in prizes up for grabs in Australia! And someone has to win them.
  • A drought is usually followed up by a win. It’s.….…..science, I swear.
  • Right now in a conference room somewhere, someone is dreaming up a competition that you are going to win.
  • Grandpa was right when he said ‘Everything works in cycles’. When there’s a crash, its followed by a boom.
  • Feeling low in energy? Physical energy will give you more energy to enter and don’t forget going for a walk boosts creativity for all those 25 word or less answers.
  • Visualise all those prizes you’ve won over the years and get excited for the prizes that are still to come.
  • Remember your WHY. Why are you comping? To win yourself a well deserved holiday? To win mum some goodies? For the fun of it? Reconnect with why you started in the first place.
  • Have a break. Sometimes just stepping away from the computer can recharge your comping batteries.
  • Every competition you view is earning you points on Competitions.com.au! Congrats Jessiebutcher.
  • Think about all the connections you’ve made in the comping community and start reaching out again. Everyone really is a winner.
  • Daydream. Have you ever thought about winning the lottery and then had a little daydream about it, got excited and then bought a ticket. This happens to me all the time. Daydream and you will get enthusiastic again.

Recently a friend of mines sister-in-law won another trip. I couldn’t believe it. First there was one to LA and now to Sydney. I asked this friend ‘How many competitions does she enter?’. The friend then answered ‘A lot, she enters them whenever she sees them. But she’s been entering them for years.’. It’s normal for things to have their ups and downs. Everything ebbs and flows and winning is no doubt the same.

When things are not going to plan or you wish you could just win that car or getaway. Know it could be just around the corner or down the road, around another corner.

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