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5 simple ways to increase your chances of winning in 2018

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It’s easy to forget after the holiday break just how busy we get during the year and sometimes it feels like we get busier every year! But, I know there is one thing that helps the year bump along nicely and that’s a prize or two. There is no feeling like it. I’m sure being a winner in 2018 is your top priority, so here are 5 simple ways to increase your chances of winning in 2018:

1. Track and limit your time spend entering competitions

It might seem counteractive but actually limiting your time comping will sharpen your focus and help you use your time more effectively. Tracking your time will also help you learn when are your most productive times and of course the best times to work on your creative 25 word or less answers.

2. Stop being a perfectionist

You’re probably never going to have that quite cottage in the country where you can enter competitions until your heart’s content. The kids will never stop annoying you and you’re most likely always going to have a manager looking over your shoulder. There will never be a perfect time, condition or environment, so best just to get on with it.

3. Take advantage of your commute

Take a train, bus or tram to work? I get it, sometimes you don’t feel like it in the morning or on the way home and this is an acquired habit that will take time to build but it really is this is the best time to enter a few competitions.

4. Save for later

We always seem to get more done when we have a plan, said perfectly by Winston Churchill ‘Failing to plan is planning to fail’. One of the best ways to plan ahead is to ‘save for later’. You can either save your links from competitions.com.au in a spreadsheet or Word document to revisit later. Then when it’s finally time you know exactly what you are doing.

5. Utilize the forum

Need a codeword, got a question or having trouble with a competition? Check the Competitions.com.au forum out at competitions.com.au and you’re sure to find the answer and save heaps of time.

Using your time more effectively in 2018 has never been more crucial. Happy entering competitions everyone!

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