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A Yearly Review for all Compers

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The year is not over yet that’s for sure but soon it will be that time of the year where we evaluate and review all things competition related. I hope you’ve had a winning year and had oodles of fun! If not I’m sure 2016 is going to be your year. Once January hits there will no cars on the road and the country quietly goes into holiday mode.

I know I will be taking a much needed break and hit the beach. Then it will be on to another year so lets make it a good one. As the time for reflection near I thought I would list some questions to ask yourself, to start evaluating how the year went and so we can start thinking about our game plan for 2016. No doubt you’ve probably been keeping a spreadsheet of all your wins but if not don’t worry, an estimate is fine.

Here are some questions to kick off your yearly review:

  • How many competitions have you entered in 2015?
  • How many prizes have you won?
  • What do you estimate the value of all your prizes?
  • many 25 WOL competitions have you entered?
  • Any 25 WOL answers you are most proud of?
  • What has been your overall Experience? Positive/Negative.
  • What connections or friends have you made? Eg Comper Forums.
  • What were the prizes that got away that you wish you had of won?
  • Where did you feel you got close?
  • Were there any dud prizes or prizes that didn’t show up?
  • Any Favourite Competitions?

Whatever questions you ask, its important to measure your your own comping year however you like. Don’t forget the year is not over yet! Between now and the 31st December you could still get a winning phone call or email. A lot of competitions will be closing and drawing before the New Year and all winners will need to be contacted before, you guessed it the New Year! Setting an Intention for 2016 Before the New Year arrives its important to set and intention.

  • What do you want to win?
  • How much do you want to win in 2016?
  • What do you need to win?
  • What kind of year is it going to be?
  • How much time are you going to allocate per week/day?
  • How are you going to improve or break this years record?

Remember to think big and put your order in, the universe is listening.

How was 2015 for you? How many prizes did you win?

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