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Australian Retailers and the Online Opportunity [Infographic]

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In order to outline the issues Australian retailers face, while also highlighting the benefits to making the most of the online opportunity, We’ve partnered up with Power Retail to produce this infographic.

53% of Australian retailers don’t have any ability to transact online, with 44% not planning to implement this functionality in the coming months

Only 20 per cent have had online sales channels for more than two years

Only 37 per cent of retailers have all tools needed for online business 74 per cent of Australian retailers obtain less than 25 percent of their sales from online 21% of retailers currently offer loyalty programs via their website, with 25% planning to introduce these features in the next year 66 per cent of retailers believe that international online retailers have impacted their sales.

Of this group, 37 per cent believe they have had a large or very large impact.

19 per cent of Australians who shop online most often make purchases from overseas sites

29 per cent purchase equally from Australian and overseas sites

53 per cent most often purchase from Australian sites Only 42 per cent of retailers currently offer online refunds, and only 16 per cent plan to introduce this service in the next 12 months.

Only 30 per cent of retailers currently offer free returns and another 16 per cent plan to introduce this service in the next 12 months.

Only 25% of retailers currently offer free delivery Aussie Online Retail Market Vs Others UK Online shoppers spend, on average, 7 times more online than Australian Online Shoppers.

27% of all online retail spend in Australia go to offshore retailers

Online retail sales in Australia is 6% of total retail spending as compared to 11% in UK and 8% in US Major Barriers that are Limiting Australian Retailers to Go Online

  • Traditional Mindset
  • Skills Gap
  • Risk of Failure
  • Wait and See Approach
  • Lack of clear Digital Strategy
  • Legacy Investments

57% of retailers currently spending 5 per cent or less of their marketing budget to e-commerce.

Over one third (34%) fail to allocate any of their marketing budget to e-commerce.

Only 45% of retailers believe a customer database is important.

Only 32 per cent currently have a CRM strategy or customer database in place, and 17 per cent plan to introduce one in the next 12 months.

Only 31 per cent of retailers know consumers’ online shopping history and only 13 per cent know their product likes and dislikes.

52% of retailers have no plans to integrate their database with their website in the next 12 months.

51 per cent of retailers don’t have SEO in their marketing strategy for the next 12 months 61 per cent of retailers don’t have paid search in their marketing strategy for the next 12 months 52 per cent of retailers believe online advertising is important, yet only 49 per cent have plans to use it in the next 12 months 62% don’t have a Facebook page, 54% don’t use Twitter and 72% have no interest in using Pinterest Why Australian Retailer should have an online business In 2012, 94 percent of the Australian population has access to the Internet, with 79 per cent going online every day and 60 per cent multiple times a day In 2012, 9.6M Australians will shop online, with 88% expecting to maintain or increase online expenditure Estimated online Sales in Australia to reach $37.1 billion by 2013.

Two out of every three Australians shop for something online.

73% of online sales go to domestic retailers Australia has the highest per capita adoption of Facebook in the world Source Links – http://www.powerretail.com.au/multichannel/australian-retailers-left-behind/ http://www.experian.com.au/assets/marketing-services/white-papers/australian-retail-and-digital-future-2012.pdf http://centralcoast.businessinsider.net.au/stories/retail-distribution/msi-survey-reveals-retailers-falling-behind-with-online-strategies http://s2m.com.au/news/2012/5/21/online-retail-sales-trends-in-australia-domestic-online-sales-beat-overseas-online-sales/?5043&goback=.gde_3754530_member_117004287 http://www.adrenalinmedia.com.au/blog/ecommerce/online-retail-trends-for-2011

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