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Leap ahead and Win this Leap Year

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What have you been doing on this extra day of the year? To be honest I’ve never really thought about leap years. don’t know anybody who’s birthday falls on the 29thFebruary. But this year I have noticed allot of new articles about this year and so I couldn’t resist to also write about the impending extra time we have. And when you think about it, it is a special year.

Every four years we get an extra day in February. That is, we get an extra day to get things done, be more productive and of course enter more competitions. We get extra luck sprinkled upon us. If you’re forever complaining about the lack of time and trying to win the war of winning, this year is your year! Here’s a plan to pivot and change strategies.

Lets tip the odds in our favour. Lets leap ahead this leap year and start winning at everything!

Become an amateur photographer in your spare time. Have you noticed all the competitions now where they want you to take a photo to win. I know it’s a pain but these are the competitions that have really good odds because of exactly that, nobody likes to enter these competitions. Start taking pictures of pets, products and whatever is required. If you step outside your comfort zone, new possibilities will appear.

Enter small competitions with lower prize values. Allot of people avoid these competitions. Most people want to win big so they don’t bother with the little prizes. But since you’re leaping ahead of the pack, you’re going to be in everything and small prizes can add up to be big prizes.

Enter more creative competitions. Yes, the dreaded 25 word or less answer doesn’t have to be a mystery. Research what other people have used to win competitions. Master the rhyme and the one liner and you’ll get better over time. If you can enter more than once, come up with three answers. Challenge yourself and a win is sure to show up.

Become a social media guru. Companies will now have competitions just on social media. Gone are the days where they just had a quick and easy form on their website. Share and get bonus entries plus sign up for more social media accounts so you enter even more comps. Twitter is not scary. Try it and find out.

This year you will be miles ahead of the competition by simply tweaking your strategy. By getting more creative and entering all those competitions you wouldn’t normally enter, you make a quantum leap towards the prizes you want.

Rewards are sure to come knocking on your door.

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