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Two Hundred Prizes and Counting. An Interview with Veronica.

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Veronica aka Try2Win has been entering competitions for 3 years and has won over 200 prizes including free groceries for a whole year! Check out Try2Win’s tips and other golden nuggets in the interview below.

How long have you been entering competitions for?

I started entering competitions late in 2014, by accident really, bought a bag of Mars Bars, there was a competition on it, so decided to enter.  There were instant prizes of AFL prize packs, which included a 12 month membership to an AFL team of your choice.  Low and behold I won, was shocked.  Now being from NSW and an NRL supporter, I didn’t know much about AFL or the teams, but I knew of the Sydney Swans so picked them for my 12 month membership :-).  Was valued at $249.00

How many prizes would you estimate you’ve won?

During this time I have won nearly 200 prizes. Including candles, books, DVD’s, watches, kitchen appliances, tent, camping chairs and sleeping bags.  A trip to Sydney for cricket, gift vouchers and groceries, to name just a few.

Do you have a system to keep track of your competitions and prizes?

I have a spreadsheet set up, separate tabs for website competitions, another tab for facebook ones, another for others.  Then I have a tab set up for any wins, which records the date of win, prize, Sponsor/supplier, value and other details.

Are there any rituals or habits you do to entice lady luck?

I don’t really have any rituals or habits, but have learnt to go with your gut feeling.  Like, if entering an online or sms instant win competition, I don’t enter straight away, I wait until I have ‘this feeling’ and then enter, is surprising how many times I’ll have an instant win.

How many competitions do enter daily, weekly or monthly?

Daily, I would enter between 10 to 20 competitions, it varies a bit.

What is your dream prize?

My dream prize is to win a trip to England.

Favourite competitions? Online, 25 Word or less, SMS etc.

My favourite competitions are the online ones.  Especially where you need to purchase a product, to enter the competition online.  Have tried things we normally wouldn’t purchase and enjoyed the majority of them, now a repeat purchaser.

What’s the best 25 word or less answer you have ever come up with?

I am not that good at the 25 words or less, but have won a few.  The first one that I did win, I read my 25 words or less answer to my husband and he reckons no one else entered the competition 🙂 .  To me, it all depends on the judge/s and what they think is the best 25 words or less answer.

Are your family and friends accepting of your hobby, if not can you elaborate?

My family and friends are very accepting of me entering competitions.  They are amazed at the prizes that I have won.  The neighbours just shake their head when they see another parcel being delivered to my place.

Whats the biggest prize you’ve won and what did you do when you found out?

The biggest prize that I have won was a years worth of groceries.  It was valued at $5,200 ($100 x 52 weeks). Was looking at emails on my phone and one said I had won and congratulations. I quickly got my computer going and downloaded the email.  I thought someone was playing a prank on me and said to the hubby (who was sitting next to me when I spotted the email) that the winner was also to be advertised in the public notice section of The Australian newspaper. Checked and nothing there. Was a nervous night waiting until the next day and went through the public notices and wow, there it was, I was announced as the winner.  I was shocked, but over the moon, I quickly rang my husband and told him that it was real, I won.  We were both over the moon. Didn’t wipe the smile off my face for ages.

Do you have any tips or tricks you would like to share with other fellow compers?

You will get a lot of emails, so firstly, set up an email address to be used just for competitions.  Always read the terms and conditions and follow them.  Put a system into place to keep a track of the competitions that you have entered.  Be patient, you have to be in it to win it.  Good luck and enjoy.


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