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Winners Interview for all the travel lovers out there

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to win three trips, well Ann aka ‘travlmad’ has done just that!

Read the full interview below.

How long have you been entering competitions for?

Cannot really remember when I started but probably 10 years ago more or less.

How many prizes would you estimate you’ve won?

I am not a prolific winner but I am really grateful for my wins, the most incredible being a trip to Canada for the Calgary Stampede, (like the Easter Show but just horse events) extra special as we own horses and had talked about going for years. I have won 3 trips in total, two within Australia, a “Block” Christmas party in Melbourne, 4 days in Uluru, and a $1000 gift card which was very unexpected. I seem to not be lucky at all with smaller prizes. My worst prize was a gift card which was not activated so could not be used, rather frustrating! They were all wonderful experiences and the organizers looked after us beautifully and I always make a point of ringing or sending a thank you card after the prize is taken to the sponsor or company involved.

Do you have a system to keep track of your competitions and prizes?

No system, I like being surprised.

Are there any rituals or habits you do to entice lady luck?

Not really, some answers come to me straight away, if I’m desperate for inspiration I ask my family for answer ideas, others I like to think about for a while and keep tweaking until I am happy to send it off into cyberspace.

How many competitions do you enter daily, weekly or monthly?

I probably spend up to nearly an hour a day entering competitions.

What is your dream prize?

Another overseas trip, a European river cruise is on the list, a car would be nice too, or a big cash prize to keep traveling, yes it is an obsession of mine.

Favourite competitions? Online, 25 Word or less, SMS etc.

My favourite are the easy ones, but I always give the 25 words a go as that’s how I won my other travel prizes.

What’s the best 25 word or less answer you have ever come up with?

The Canadian win for 25 words is so corny I’m embarrassed to repeat it and still amazed it was picked, but I try and think of things a bit left of field, upbeat, funny and witty- but who knows what the winning formula is, depends entirely on what tickles the judges.

Are your family and friends accepting and supporting of your hobby, if not can you elaborate?

At first my family thought it was a big joke, but now I have won a few trips they encourage me and my husband keeps ribbing me if I have not won for a while. My friends are just encouraged to know someone actually does win these things and share in my excitement.

What’s the biggest prize you’ve won and what did you do when you found out?

Probably the Canadian one again and when the organiser rang I honestly thought one of my friends was hoaxing me so the poor girl took a while convincing me it was all on the level. After that I burst into tears and could not talk and my husband had to take over the call (he thought someone had died in the family). The other wins were not as dramatic as I received an email first and the confirmation call came afterwards, time enough to compose myself.

Do you have any tips or tricks you would like to share with other fellow compers?

Not really, I just enter comps that appeal to me, but I do not waste my time on 25 words for tickets or small things. I always strive to be original and fresh with answers., just give it a shot, you never know if that’s the winning entry.

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