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You Can Call Yourself a Comper…

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You can call yourself a comper if…

  • you can happily skip your morning coffee but you can’t start the day without checking out the latest competitions on your favourite website
  • the words ‘win’ and ‘congratulations’ set your heart aflutter
  • you don’t like weekends as there is no post
  • you like Mondays as the post resumes
  • your shopping trolley is filled with all kinds of obscure products all with WIN somewhere on their packaging
  • you carefully place all your shopping dockets and receipts neatly in a box marked ‘proof of purchase’
  • you put off buying something you need just in case you win one
  • you check your calendar regularly for the closing dates of the very best competitions
  • your inbox is starting to fill with a lot of spam You are truly addicted to comping when…
  • you keep your passport up-to-date just in case you win that overseas trip you have always dreamed about
  • your husband thinks you are having an affair with the postman
  • you keep a notebook and pen by the bed in case you think of that great 25 words or less answer in the middle of the night
  • your friends stop calling because they are sick of you telling them about all the prizes your have won
  • you have a special box filled with potential presents for the next round of family birthdays and Christmas
  • you rush to your email inbox as soon as you get home to check if you have won anything
  • Facebook friends start un-friending you because of the all competitions you have to ‘share’ Only a comper understands…
  • what WOL means – the anxious wait for a prize you won a few weeks earlier
  • that putting 25 words together creatively can be such a challenge
  • the RSI in your wrist from filling out hundreds of entry forms
  • the pain of an empty mailbox The freeloader in you has been activated when…
  • your kitchen cupboard is filled with samples of new grocery items
  • your bathroom cupboard is filled with samples of new cosmetic items
  • your desk draw is full of free pens and scribble pads
  • you can’t resist the sign ‘buy one and get one free’
  • the word ‘free’ sets your heart aflutter You need to take a break when…
  • you are prepared to wade through pages and pages of fine print of the terms and conditions for a very minor prize
  • your children start asking you to get off the computer and take them to the park and you think you might have forgotten where the park is
  • your partner threatens to leave you

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