
General Chatter

Hey all! Long time no see! I've been missing in action for a little while (damn life just gets in the way sometimes, doesn't it? lol). Good to see all the lucky wins when I scrolled through this morning. I haven't got much to report. Still waiting on my limo/gold class cinema prize to be sorted, and also waiting on other two gold class tickets/meal and drinks voucher to arrive, but took delivery a couple of days ago of an absolutely AWESOME prize pack from Purina for my cat (ok I admit, I was more excited than the feline diva was, but anyway ....) and also won a family pass to Melbourne Aquarium which will be put to good use. It's all just one step closer to that all expenses paid around the world trip with $2 million spending money I suppose *sigh* lol Hope everyone's well. - Michelle :-)

23 Apr 15 10:18 AM

Whoops, and I also won a 10 port USB charger thingy which is handy ($169) and it arrived the very next day after they let me know I'd won!!! and also received a surprise package of nut bars in the mail the other day that I didn't know I'd won, so no complaints here

23 Apr 15 10:20 AM

Welcome back, roobs. :-)

23 Apr 15 10:38 AM

Why, thank you @toxicgherkin :-)

23 Apr 15 10:50 AM

Great wins!! :-)

23 Apr 15 11:01 AM

Cool Wins!

23 Apr 15 11:57 AM

Thanks! Yes, I was thinking when I started the post, hmmm I haven't got anything to tell them, but now I read it back, I apparently DID have things to tell you all! lol

23 Apr 15 2:23 PM

Sounds like you haven't been idle. Awesome wins!

23 Apr 15 4:40 PM

Lol well no, it would seem that way! Thanks

23 Apr 15 5:42 PM

Congrats, nice little bundle

23 Apr 15 8:09 PM