
General Chatter

Apologies if this has already been done, but it's interesting (well, I think so anyway), and is a bit of encouragement for those new to the game
Firstly, when/why/how did you start comping
* What's on your bucket list to win?
* Do you enter 25 WOL comps, or just random draws
* Do you enter purchase to win, comps
* Biggest/best prize
* What's your winning tally so far (if not sure, then roughly)

I started last July, when I saw a random 'Win a years supply of Cadbury' comp, and my hubby is a SUPER sweet tooth. I joked that I'd win it for him - and I did! lol! That spurred me on to see what else I could win, and so it began ......
I tend to lean more towards 25 WOL comps, but will enter others if it's something I'd really like.
My bucket list win, like thousands of others, would be an overseas trip, but one in Australia would be great too! I have won a luxury/5 star trip to Melbourne, so that's a start (but I live in Victoria, so forfeited flights)
Biggest win would be that trip and/or $2000 visa card last October
I've only rather recently started buying products specifically for competitions, to 'test the water' and see how I go
My tally so far (I did a quick add up the other night) is $6895 .... and counting, hopefully lol

23 Apr 15 2:58 PM

is there a competition god that I am not praying to LOL :)

23 Apr 15 4:11 PM

@nassep haha, you just have to keep at it, I didn't win all that much in the beginning, but with experience you improve lol.

23 Apr 15 4:20 PM

Wow @starfish that is quite a tally! I have been comping on and off for over 20 years. I go through periods of taking it seriously and times where I don't enter anything.

* bucket list would be an overseas holiday or large cash sum
* I am not big on 25 WOL as I have not had a lot of wins with those.
* a lot of my wins have been purchase to win comps but only for things I would buy anyway and I certainly do not stock my pantry with a 6 months supply just to win.
* my biggest prizes have been $1000 cash and $1000 westfield gift card.
* tally is hard to say but would have to be close to $10 000 over the years. (A lot of little things can add up).

23 Apr 15 4:29 PM

I have been comping for 40 years so can't count or cost my wins over this time. Things have certainly changed with FB, Twitter etc but I still prefer the old fashioned 25WOL comps. Now my hubbie and I are on a pension, any wins are appreciated and most of them are used for gifts, even holidays as our needs are not so great materially anymore. I don't have abucket list because I like the surprises I find at the door or in the mailbox. I am going to keep doing it as long as my brain functions and there are interesting and creative comps to enter.

23 Apr 15 4:31 PM

My biggest win was $1,932 for a dare in an online banking promotion. The win came painfully as I had to perform my winning dare before a film crew, for half a day!!! The result is still up on YouTube! Lol. Plenty of more minor wins, notably DVDs and books. These are always welcomed. I don't keep a tally. What's the point? I do enter WOL competitions, 'caption this' ones, esoteric and random. All good. I am selective though about what I enter. I'm not a super trawler.....

23 Apr 15 5:19 PM

@starfish ummmm..... lol
Blast you!


23 Apr 15 5:25 PM

Wow, awesome! Love the tee shirt!

23 Apr 15 5:30 PM

Wow Starfish!! That's awesome! Congrats to everyone else too! Yes I agree it's easy to get discouraged. My 'winning' is weird. I either win nothing at all, or a few in a row, often same day .... and then nothing again for a while and then a few together again. I'm amazed I've stuck with it this long, as my patience with stuff like this, lasts all of about 2.2 seconds usually lol I keep saying when I win an overseas trip, I'll give it up, but every time I do win something, I go nuts, entering again, so who knows lol. Let's all meet back here in 50 years, and see how we're going, ok? lol

23 Apr 15 5:37 PM

Lol@ ToxicGherkin but it won you the prize, so good on you!

23 Apr 15 5:38 PM

* What's on your bucket list to win? LOTTO!
* Do you enter 25 WOL comps, or just random draws. BOTH
* Do you enter purchase to win, comps. RARELY
* Biggest/best prize. $2500 Cash.
* What's your winning tally so far (if not sure, then roughly). Since I started 8 Months ago around $9200.

23 Apr 15 7:17 PM

Haha too funny @toxicgherkin. Good on you for having a go and winning into the bargain!

23 Apr 15 7:19 PM

@toxicgherkin - that was awesome, you looked great on camera. And as a grew up in a family affected (and still is) by cerebral palsy, I thank you for your effort.

23 Apr 15 7:42 PM

* What's on your bucket list to win? LOTTO!
* Do you enter 25 WOL comps, or just random draws. BOTH
* Do you enter purchase to win, comps. RARELY
* Biggest/best prize. $2500 Cash.
* What's your winning tally so far (if not sure, then roughly). Since I started 8 Months ago around $9200.

I entered a few comps in 2011 and got a win so have been building on it ever since. Not sure about my bucket list. Overseas trips are difficult for my family atm but definitely something more local would be awesome. I love winning experiences that we can take the kids to.
I enter WOL and random with successes in both. Not many purchase to win because it's my rule that I don't spend money on comping.
Best price (but not the most $) is a 12month Merlin pass for the family. It includes Sydney and Manly aquariums, Madame Tausaads, Wildlife zoo, Sydney tower and Illawarra fly. We have gone at least once a month - gotta get your money's worth.
My tally (I record all my wins) is 80 prizes totalling about $3000.

23 Apr 15 7:51 PM

Aww ....@toxicgherkin that was really good! and for such a good cause. A second career in presenting could just be waiting.

23 Apr 15 8:36 PM

@fourleaf A voice for radio

23 Apr 15 8:38 PM

@Jrob71 From memory there was something like 23 bucks in the bucket. The filming was at Melbourne's Queen Victoria Markets at Easter time, 2013. I matched the bucket donations, and rounded it off to $50, which I passed along to Cerebral Palsy Alliance. :-)

The prize money was already spent - we couldn't afford the month's rent that month otherwise. So, so fortunate.

23 Apr 15 8:44 PM

Like most,my bucket list includes Lotto, car, house and money wins. So I've been comping for over 12 mths now, nearly gave up a few times. I got my first win which was a Marion cookbook and 7 of her recipe bases. I think my mouth stayed open for about an hour and I realised that winning was actually REAL. There was probably two months and a pretty decent learning curve before my next win or should I say wins because I won three times in the space of six emails after finding a fourleaf clover that morning in my back yard. I'm not superstitious but I did have to look at it twice.......Hmmm....before pressing it into my first win the cookbook. The following win came the next week with two local comps for hampers. I have to say wins aren't always consistent with wins coming at once and then nothing.......but then again I'm selective with what I enter going from largest to smallest and what I need. Enter 25 WOL and random, still getting my head around instagram as most people I know don't use it. This is getting too long now so I'll stop!

23 Apr 15 8:56 PM

Wow, we're all so similar yet so different in other ways. Some great prizes mentioned here!
Yes @fourleaf, I'm selective these days as to what I enter. I'm happy with what I've won so far, but I just wish they'd come regularly overtime. I hate the dry spells even though they usually then lead to a few wins at once.
I've read on forums of people winning multiple holidays and cars etc. I do think, even if it's 25WOL, that a certain amount of luck is involved too, as you just never know what the judges are looking for. I've won with some answers that I thought were very ordinary, and others I've been confident about, haven't won, so who knows. Oh well, it's an enjoyable hobby, that can pay off.
I do wonder why I haven't been doing it for years though. It's funny now that I'm in 'the game', how many times the word 'win' or 'competition' on something gets my attention, yet I never took any notice before now lol. I guess it's a mind set.
As they say in the classics . GO HARD OR GO HOME! lol

24 Apr 15 8:49 AM