
General Chatter

Hi all
I just put up my latest blog post - It's Complicated

25 Apr 15 3:16 PM

Thanks, Jen. What a champ!

25 Apr 15 3:19 PM

Thanks@jennye.Love reading your blogs.

25 Apr 15 5:23 PM

Another, informative & helpful post!

I received a copy of Winning Way's by Jenny this week, and have powered through it. I recommend it to EVERYONE. It's filled with info, so easy to read AND entertaining. If you're looking for real tips on Winning, why go past Winning Ways? I've got my copy tucked neatly and safely away . . . do I need this Winning Edge? Let's just say, I've got my copy, & I'm keeping it! : )

25 Apr 15 11:05 PM

That's great Jenny! SO many truths. I too always wonder why they need my birth date, and depending on the prize, I wonder if they do target a certain age bracket for these prizes. Ie: do they really want to send a couple in their mid 40's to a rock concert? Do they really want to send a couple of 18 year olds to a 5 star hotel with dinner and drinks?
I entered a Channel V comp for my daughter, which was tickets to a Triple J music festival in Melbourne, and included accommodation (flights forfeited because we are in Vic).
My daughter couldn't attend, so I asked promoter if I could take the prize, to which they agreed. I still wonder if it was targeted to her age bracket. WE had a great day, but it really was a younger crowd. But I'm grateful they allowed me to accept it, as many promoters don't!
As for the Facebook comps, I've won quite a few of these, but I HATE the 'you must share' ones. Yes it's against the rules, but it's still rampant. And it just clogs up your news feed. If it's something I would reallllllly like, I do occasionally share, but if its not something that excited me, I scroll past

26 Apr 15 9:15 AM

@roobycat I agree with you about the birth dates and age brackets. I wonder how many entries are drawn and discarded if the entrant does not meet the demographic. I suppose it depends on the integrity of the company.

26 Apr 15 1:33 PM

Yes when filling it in and I get to the DOB part, I glance back at what the prize is, and think Hmmm, think I'm too old for this one. Fashion ones in particular

27 Apr 15 9:08 AM