
General Chatter

Know what I hate? Phone calls from people who say 'you entered such and such a competition'. Excitedly you answer yes!!!!!!
Then they say 'well unfortunately you didn't win this time, but I'm calling to offer you a special discount offer on our goods/services blah blah blah'. Yeah? Well that's nice. But no thanks. If I wanted to BUY a holiday, I'd do that. I entered the competition to WIN a FREE one for a reason. And therein lies the answer as to why I'm so extraordinarily picky these days as to what I enter, and who's running them. If it looks dodgy, (especially when you then have to tick 8,743 boxes of things that 'may interest you' (and they never do) I skate right on past

28 Apr 15 2:23 PM

Yes I agree and ones that ask for too much personal information I tend to stay clear of. There are a lot of competitions that are just opportunities for telemarketers to contact you.

28 Apr 15 2:32 PM

The Aussie Lifestyle Survey has been a bit like that. Each iteration of the survey submitted, and there's another phone're in the running.....would you be interested in.....blah, blah, blah.... Sheez!!! Lol

28 Apr 15 3:09 PM

Yes, this one was from phone number 0280264067, so beware. It's a finance company.
Really annoys the poop outta me! GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!! mind you, these telemarketing ones have become a bit more obvious to me, so I just click out of them

28 Apr 15 3:34 PM

Yep! Some of those marketeers get a bit persistent. I just say no thanks, can't talk I'm driving and ask them to remove me from their mailing list which they have to do.

28 Apr 15 8:02 PM