I've Won
$50 Rebel Sport voucher from Woolworths/Kellogg's comp. Hundreds of prizes each week, so if you haven't entered, get on it :-)
30 Apr 15 3:59 PMGreat.
30 Apr 15 5:40 PMMmm that is interesting roobycat. I just checked my emails. The first one says W1-162 which would put me in the Rebel sport vouchers which I got but the second one says W2-6. If the number does refer to the order of the draw that would mean I should have received a spa voucher. I wonder if it is worth clarifying with them?
All I want is a plastic spaceman at the bottom of the packet. What happened to the good old days, when small bits of stylised plastic - representing severe choking hazards - were included in most/every pack. Damn you, risk managers. Damn you! Lol.
30 Apr 15 6:57 PM
Well that's how I read the number kaybee. I could be very very wrong, but it makes sense thats it would mean that, don't you think? No harm in asking I suppose? I won't question mine, coz I'd rather the Rebel sport voucher lol! but yes, yours puts you as winning a spa voucher, which I'm sure you'd much prefer. I know I would! Let's know how you go!
Lol @ toxicgherkin ohhhh weren't they the days???? Mum!! I NEEEEED this cereal!! Why? Because it's good for me. I saw the ad on TV and my teacher said so!! *gets home, rips box open, scrounge out toy, and don't eat the cereal because you don't really like it* LMAO oh the memories!
Unless it is the order we entered. I think I did enter on the first day of week 2. I am happy with my prize though the spa voucher would be nice! I remember the good old days of toys in cereal boxes and I also recall the sneakily opened packets on the shelves as people pilfered the toys! lol.
Well yeah, that makes sense too I suppose, although, would they really keep track of who enters when? There'd be thousands of entries, surely. Oh well, who knows. I'm buying some more Special K today lol. I won a, Endota spa voucher from MasterCard last week, so I want this one to go with it. Not asking for much, am I haha