
General Chatter

Hi just a warning compers....
Last night when I couldn't sleep I happened to look at some winners answers
As I was scrolling through one comp I'd entered back in Feb (which I usually NEVER do) I happened to find my answer stolen by another comper !! SAM GREENWALD
Just letting you know for future reference

01 May 15 9:48 PM

Cheeky buggers! Id send a message to this person. That's just rude. But then, one thing I've realised, is that not all compers are nice or honest. Some are just cheating, bitter, nasty liars. I cant be bothered with catiness

01 May 15 10:54 PM

@Tiesha, that comper's name rings a bell with me. @Inwithachance, I recall this user was in the hat competition you were trying to win for a mate who was in need of some cheering up. The accompanying pic for the entry was lifted from the net...

02 May 15 12:16 AM

His name rings a bell with me too .. I checked out his FB page and it's all posted comps
He might do this as a habit??
Left a message on the post but whether he sees it or not .. I will be on the lookout for his name now!
Cheeky cheater

02 May 15 2:45 AM

How rude! Hope he doesn't win too much off other peoples answers.. wow!

02 May 15 10:58 AM

That's hideous, maybe contact the company that the comp was for and let them know that this person stole your entry (even though it is a while ago) maybe they can blacklist this person. This person wins quite a few competitions and it sounds that he is a serial answer stealer, not good at all.

02 May 15 11:00 AM

Today when I get a chance I am leaving him a message on his FB page and then contacting Tom Organics about him cheating in their comp
Bugger it.. He shouldn't get away with it!
Happy comping people.. Mind the cheaters ;-)

02 May 15 11:46 AM

what a cheeky prick, unbelievable!

02 May 15 1:28 PM

Mind you.. Fancy stealing an answer which was ....A: Half assed and B: set out very differently from others answers where they generally used paragraphs?!? Never mind
He'll come undone

02 May 15 3:29 PM

Yes I agree with all the comments. To me I get kick out of the fact that my own original answer won. That's part of the fun of winning and part of the prize to me. How he can do that I don't know. I'll certainly be keeping an eye out. Great answer Tiesha!

02 May 15 6:20 PM

@TinaC My hubby isn't on FB and I hadn't even thought of doing something like that. I enter comps for fun, it's a bit of a thrill to win something but I wouldn't feel the same if I won something in a 'rubbery' way. Happy comping x

04 May 15 2:48 PM

Thanks for the compliment guys.. re: my answer!
But yes @TinaC I thought it was half assed because I barely put 2 minutes into it.
Poor soul to not have a brain to come up with an answer on his own!!
Who is this woman we should be aware of @TinaC ? Or would you prefer not to say?

04 May 15 9:53 PM

@TinaC wow... I know there are many cheaters out there but the thought of having an account in hubby's name and then using it to gain extra entries just wouldn't be right, I have enough trouble finding the time with just my account let alone running 2 fb accounts lol. Hubby isn't on facebook - Dad is and funnily enough he said he saw someone copy an exact answer and thought he was going nuts when he read it twice. Good Luck comping - at least we know we all enter fairly so we all deserve to win BIG.

05 May 15 12:07 AM

Haha.. No worries @TinaC ;-)
And yes @Bops18.... We deserve to win big!! I'm a bit over the comps sometimes though... I even missed my daily visit points etc yesterday!

06 May 15 11:24 AM