
Tips & Tricks

So .... in all my comping, I don't enter things I don't want or need or will use. Along with movie tickets etc (excluding gold class, which I'll make an extra effort to attend lol) I also eliminated any comps giving away children's toys. I have now had a beautiful 6 year old little 'step grand-daughter' come into my world and life (well, a few months ago now, but she's now starting to visit). My home, to kids, is about as exciting as a mop. Yes I'll stock up on things, but I'm needing some help, to be pointed in the right direction to sites that give away children's things. Any advice gratefully received lol Thank you :-)

05 May 15 2:41 PM

Kidspot, Mouths of Mums, Mum to Five (Blog), Motherpaedia, Family Capers, ABC for Kids, KZone (magazine), Just Kidding,,,here's a few for a start. Good Luck. I haven't had to buy anything for mys grandkids in over a year!

05 May 15 3:25 PM

Essential Kids.

05 May 15 3:34 PM

Wow Jenny! Thank you so much! I seemed to see heaps when I wasn't looking for them! Lol I'll check those out. Thanks inwithachance! I have no idea what 6 year olds are into, but I'll work it out lol

05 May 15 4:40 PM

If you are not against buying magazines then "Little Angels", "Total Girl" and "Puzzle Fun for Kids" have great prizes in them. My girls used to win regularly from them when they were younger. At 6 my girls were into Barbie, My Little Pony and Little Pet Shops. I am not sure if it has changed much in the last 6-8 years. Good luck!

05 May 15 6:42 PM

Thanks for that kaybee! I'm So out of touch with little ones lol. I know Frozen is all the go at the moment but that's ALL I know lol. Been a long time for me lol. I'll definitely look out for those mags. Just funny that for so long I ignored kids comps and now a whole new world has opened. Thank you!

05 May 15 8:01 PM

Oh yeah! Disney princesses! How could I forget that! I loved the kids comps. I still enter some in my youngest daughter's name (she is 12) or else I use all my little niece and nephews as an excuse to enter.

05 May 15 8:58 PM

Lol I'm actually having fun searching and checking out the ones people have so kindly told me about! My daughter is 27 so it's been a looong long time since I had a little girl lol. But her boyfriend has a 6 year old, and I'm OVER THE MOON to 'be a nanna'. I'm only 45, so still young enough to play haha

05 May 15 9:54 PM

My niece is also pregnant with twins, due in June, so I'm also searching for baby comps, but I haven't seen any for TWO babies lol. Not much point entering to win just one of something lol

05 May 15 9:55 PM

Could also try Bub Hub and School Mum....

06 May 15 8:32 AM

Thank you fourleaf. I've been having fun looking! haha

06 May 15 1:49 PM