
General Chatter

Time to whinge again. Don't mind me, I'm just gonna have a little whinge that it's a week tomorrow since I won anything. I have had 3 deliveries though this week, so I'm happy with that, but the whole point of this game is to win isn't it? lol. Probably my own fault as I'm getting pickier and pickier with what I enter, but in a way that makes it better, because I know that when/if I DO win something, it's something I really want. The last three times I've complained on here about not winning, I won about 3 or things in quick succession in the days after, so here I go again WHINGE WHINGE WHINGE *runs off to check emails*

07 May 15 1:41 PM

Whingers are Winners lol - I hope you win some awesome prizes and ASAP....I can't believe the amount of Mothers Day comps I've entered and was hoping to win a little something but nothing as yet, there is always tomorrow, Happy Comping and Win Big Big Big :)

08 May 15 12:02 AM

Lol exactly! As I said, whenever I whinge on here, I win a few things, so here's hoping!! Yes Mothers Day comps EVERYWHERE, but most asking the same questions 'why does your Mum deserve this'. I won a $300 beauty pack, and an Endota Spa voucher, so I left them alone after that haha. Good Luck @bops18!!

08 May 15 9:15 AM