
Tips & Tricks

Just put up my latest blog post - How Far Would You Go?

09 May 15 9:53 AM

Interesting @jennye. I'm a 'lazy' comper too. If there's too many hoops to jump through, I tend to leave them alone, but having said that, it all depends on the prize. For instance, I wouldn't 'tag 20 people, share the post 572 times, and stand on my head in the corner' just to win a scented candle or movie tickets. But if it was to win an overseas trip with spending money, then I'd seriously consider jumping through said hoops. At the end of the day, comping is my hobby, and if it ever becomes a chore, then I'll know it's time to give away. I have enough 'useless things' in my house and filling my drawers and cupboards, so I don't bother with things that will end up being thrown on the pile of 'stuff I really didn't want' :-)

09 May 15 11:54 AM

Well said, I feel the same way!@roobycat

09 May 15 1:53 PM

Yes I've noticed that too Lillith. I've skimmed past many comps as when I've scrolled down comments, some have tagged 20+ people (and usually the same people all tagging each other). And especially when you see it in multiple comps on Facebook. It just takes the fun out of it, when they're obviously just wanting to win it for the sake of winning it. And yes, certain names become very familiar. I've taken a few photos for comp entries too, but not often unless it's something I'd really like. I much prefer the 'one entry only' 25WOL comps. They seem a lot fairer so I stick to those mainly. I can't be bothered with politics :-)

09 May 15 4:58 PM

i am with you roobycat!!

09 May 15 5:50 PM

Same Lillith. And I especially love when the promoter posts the winning answer. That's when I think WOW, I've got LOT to learn if I'm gonna win these things lol Some are just amazingly clever and well deserved wins! And yeah, when I don't win, I just know to try a bit harder next time. It's all a learning curve

:-) Trevsta. Good to hear I'm not the only one that it bugs lol

09 May 15 7:53 PM

Jen, fancy that! Yes, I guess it would depend on the prize on offer. For a life changing chance to win - or even a much needed short-term cash boost, sure, I'd be up for it! :-)

10 May 15 9:24 PM

@toxicgherkin Thought you might!

11 May 15 9:20 AM