
General Chatter

I am officially over Facebook Competitions! Even though I have won quite a few, I am sick of all the liking, tagging and sharing. And so many of them are not judged fairly. I'm back to the old fashioned 25WOL for a while...maybe a long while.

12 May 15 10:20 AM

i don't enter facebook competitions which ask for tagging and sharing. I only enter the ones which require some photo or answer.

12 May 15 11:15 AM

I agree. I only like to enter the ones that have a link that takes you through to a competition page rather than have to comment on the facebook page.

12 May 15 11:55 AM

I'm don't think a lot are judged fairly or if all the answers are even read in some cases. Most creative wins doesn't always happen, I saw a small appliance company give a juicer to a smoothie recipe and a stick blender to a juicing recipe. So much for companies knowing their own product. I don't normally read answers but in this case I was curious.
Another appliance from the same company went to an answer that was good but I'm sure there were better answers in there. (Not mine). They must have been in a hurry that day. Good luck to those winners but it isn't fair on the people who put a lot of effort into their answers.

12 May 15 1:33 PM

Yup. I'm over the 'like, tag and share' ones too. Seeing the same names over and over and over, and tags left right and centre, with the same names all tagging each other. And actually, to 'make' people share and tag, is against Facebook competition rules, but it's happening over and over. Moreso on the smaller pages. Bigger companies should know better, but apparently they don't.

12 May 15 1:49 PM

I am also no longer entering comps that require tagging etc. I don't mind "sharing" on my timeline, but not everyone is into comping, so it might get a bit annoying. I saw an entry the other day that had 210 "likes" ? How is that even possible?

12 May 15 2:31 PM

Yep Julie. I really don't enter Facebook comps if the prize doesn't jump out at me anyway, and am especially not ones run by small companies. I've seen photos with hundreds and hundreds of likes while the 'average Joe' post has 5 or so.. That to me, proves it's the ones that are only in it to win for the sake of winning (I've even seen some say they didn't want the prize, they just like 'winning'), and are members of groups that you 'pay' for likes. I just think it's unfair on the ones that are genuinely wanting to win the prize, not just because they can. I share a few here and there, but when it comes to tagging, I only tag my daughter or friends that I think would like the prize. My Facebook is a way to keep in touch with friends and family, not to annoy crap out of people with what I would class as 'spam'. Others seem to tag half the worlds population, so they can have those ones all to themselves :-)

12 May 15 3:07 PM

Wow roobycat I didn't even know you could pay for likes. That is taking it way too seriously lol! I also get put off if there are already hundreds of comments and the prize is not that good anyway.

12 May 15 5:50 PM

Yes Kaybee, there's groups of them. Stupid isn't it. Classed as cheating if you ask me, but if they want to waste their time and money winning a fart in a bottle or a movie ticket they'll never use, they can go for their life. I UNLIKE those pages and I know many others do too, so it can have the opposite effect for the page owner.

Here's one of those stupid comps that expect you to jump through hoops and do hand stands. And it's also one of those where people can and do tag 18 million people, and to win what? A necklace? A fridge magnet? Check out what you have to do!! What a load of poo! Hmm that rhymes. Might keep that for a 25 WOL comp! haha


Tag one friend per comment
Tag as many times as you like but a different name in each tag
To be entered, the friend you tag must like the comment they are tagged in....
You cannot tag yourself
Like the page and post
Ends tonight Tuesday 12/5/2015 at 10.00pm Sydney Time
Australian Residents Only
Not sponsored, endorsed or administered by Facebook

12 May 15 7:38 PM

Wow, I certainly have opened up a can of worms. I can see a blog on this happening...

12 May 15 9:48 PM

It's ridiculous isn't it? And yes, I think these kind of comps hurt their brand rather than help it, as I unlike, and will never enter their comps either. Like you said, it's desperation to get their page 'out there', but can't they see that people are only 'using them' to win comps, and don't actually care at all what their page is about. I've stopped entering comps for 'junk' now anyway. I have enough of that lol!. Atleast I know if I do win something, then it's something I really wanted. Not an email that screams 'WINNER' and then I read it and say ohh, is that all. Defeats the purpose lol

13 May 15 9:45 AM

Not to mention who has time for that!! Fart in a bottle love it !!

13 May 15 1:27 PM

I agree... Although I have only won 1 facebook competition the constant sharing of photos, tags and commenting plus liking I am surprised I have any friends left on facebook. Its almost as bad as all the candy crush requests everyone sends out along with all the other game requests!!!

13 May 15 3:20 PM

Lol @kaybee! Well I wouldn't be surprised to see that as a prize .... and some would fight to the death for it too! @Melly I don't have a problem with game requests .... I block them and that's that lol they drive me INSANE! so that's why I don't usually enter 'tag and share' ones (I do rarely, but not often) because I can't complain about game requests and then annoy everyone with comps lol

13 May 15 4:37 PM