
General Chatter

Re: missed phone calls. Just wondering (maybe wishful thinking, but anyway) anyone that's received a winning phone call before .... do promoters usually leave a message or call back if you miss it? I've got a really bad feeling I may have missed an important call last night (at about 5.30pm), from a radio station. 5 missed calls from a private number (I was out shopping), no message left, and have heard them talking this morning about calling 'one of the finalists several times last night, but she didn't answer'. Terms and conditions say that finalists will be contacted between 3pm and 8 pm. Do promoters usually show their number or atleast leave a message?

13 May 15 10:00 AM

PS: I won another radio comp a few weeks back, and with the initial call, they did leave a message and I called them back as the number was displayed too. But when they called again next morning (on air, to claim prize) it was a private number

13 May 15 10:01 AM

I'm not sure about radio comps but when I've had winning phones calls ,they always leave a message, haven't been private numbers either

13 May 15 11:13 AM

Hmm, well for once, I really hope it was a telemarketer lol I won a major comp in January, and they called and left messages and emailed me as well. Ok thanks.

13 May 15 1:00 PM

I would have thought that they would have left a message. Unless it is like cash cow on Sunrise were you have to answer in so many rings.

13 May 15 1:24 PM

Most cases that I am aware of they do a re-draw to the next name called out or in line...
fingers crossed its not the case this time for you :)

13 May 15 3:18 PM

Yeah well no message. I'm hoping I'm wrong too. It's an overseas trip and I actually was pretty happy with my entry. Well if I did miss out, I hope I never find that out. I'd throw myself under a bus I reckon!! lol

13 May 15 4:39 PM

I won an Audi. They left aessagr saying I had won a prize till I called them back.

13 May 15 5:18 PM

An AUDI???? WOW! That's brilliant!! Congrats!

13 May 15 5:26 PM

they call back, I won a holiday, i was at the doctors , the ph keep ringing & ringing, my sons kept telling me,I was trying to listen to the specialist,got the call when i was finished at doctors.

17 May 15 8:54 AM