
I've Won | McCain Foods - Win the ultimate party valued up to $5,000 & your toastie brought to life!

Hello fellow compers!

I was lucky enough to win a mini prize with McCain, and now voting has begun for the major draw!

I'd be most appreciative if anyone with a Facebook account would go and support my entry, The Edgy Veggie, by liking and sharing it here:

Thanks in advance!


13 May 15 8:12 PM

Voted, good luck

13 May 15 8:27 PM

Done. Ok so what should I wear to the Party? I'm thinking Hawaiian theme? :P

13 May 15 8:37 PM

I voted. Good luck :-) look at the others though. This is another example of comps being unfair. How can others already have 6 or 7 hundred votes? Why can't companies just decide on their own winner instead of asking for 'likes'.

13 May 15 11:52 PM

Done, good luck!!

14 May 15 7:47 AM

@roobycat Yeah, I already know I don't stand a chance. I mean, some people have nearly 1000 "friends" on Facebook; people they barely know but whom can still be used as a vote.

I'm here with my wee number of less than 100 FB friends, so I was bit disappointed when I realised the major prize was going to be a popularity contest.

But hey, at least I won a mini prize! :)

14 May 15 8:26 AM

Yeah I was surprised to see it was a 'who has the most facebook contacts' too. Really unfair. I LOVE your idea!! Also one is called 'Nutella' and marshmallow. I would think that's a copyright breach as Nutella is a trademark so they might be in a spot of bother there. I didn't enter this, as I didn't like how it was run anyway (they can use everyone's idea and make millions of dollars while the one who thought of it gets nothing) but good on you for getting a prize. Seems there were a lot of entries! ANYTHING free is good! :-)

14 May 15 8:53 AM

Has voting closed? When I click on the link it tells me the page is either broken or expired.

14 May 15 10:08 AM

Wow they have removed their page from facebook but I just found the t&cs for the comp and it is based on a popularity contest up until the 19th May. So it looks like they have closed it 5 days early. Interesting!
In respect of the Daily and Major Prize, the judge or judges may also assess the potential popularity of an eligible entry, including based on the popularity of the Eligible Entrant's Facebook page and the number of "likes" and comments received for the eligible entry on the McCain Facebook page, from the start of the Promotion Period up until 11.59pm (AEDT) on 19 May 2015.

14 May 15 10:19 AM

Just voted ... good luck xx

14 May 15 10:35 AM

Did you vote by clicking on the link bops as I still can not get through. I tried Jess but it musn't like me!

14 May 15 10:53 AM

Still working for me kaybee :-)

14 May 15 11:41 AM

This is what I get when I click on the link. The page you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may be broken or expired, or you may not have permission to view this page.
I tried doing a search in Facebook and tried clicking on the facebook link in the t&cs I found earlier and get basically the same thing? Must just be me!

14 May 15 11:50 AM

Ok I just searched on Facebook through my daughter's account and it came up straight away. I tried again on mine and nothing! I did enter the competition myself and liked their facebook page. They have blocked me for some reason?

14 May 15 11:54 AM

Ummm mahhhhh! You musta been naughty!! haha

14 May 15 12:04 PM

Hmm I musta! Whatever! I voted via my daughter's account so take that McCains! Ha ha!

14 May 15 12:19 PM

hahahaha you rebel, you! That'll learn 'em! lol

14 May 15 2:25 PM

before everyone jumps the gun about it being a 'voting competition' take a chance to read the terms and conditions...
At the end of the Promotion Period, the Promoter will choose the best entry from the fourteen (14) Daily Prize winning entries to win the Major Prize.

14 May 15 3:01 PM

Ah, well don't I feel a bit foolish. :P

Granted, it also states "In respect of the Daily and Major Prize, the judge or judges may also assess the potential popularity of an eligible entry, including based on the popularity of the Eligible Entrant's Facebook page and the number of "likes" and comments received for the eligible entry on the McCain Facebook page", which makes me think it is still inclined to be a popularity contest. After all, are they more likely to create the Nutella toasties, with 1000+ likes and thus a stronger indicator of people buying them in stores, or my humble lil' veggie?

(But hell, who am I to talk? If the Nutella one got made, I'd be all over that.) ;)

14 May 15 11:45 PM

They are obviously applying a little bit of free market research by seeing which are the most popular on Facebook before investing their dollars to create it. Good luck! I would buy your veggie one over the Nutella one.

15 May 15 4:56 AM

@kaybee72 Yes I just clicked on the link and it opened up for me :)

15 May 15 12:58 PM