
General Chatter

Morning!! Just letting you all know that I'm going to WIN today!! Don't know what or who from, but today is MY day I've decided!! It's been two weeks today since I won anything, and this is just NOT good enough, so stand by for my 'I've won' post, coming soon to a forum near you!!! Eeeeeep! Good luck all!

15 May 15 8:17 AM

Thanks! Me too!! *runs off to check emails* haha

15 May 15 8:41 AM

There's nothing better than a positive attitude - Good Luck!

15 May 15 10:09 AM

Fingers crossed for you. In saying that it has now been over a week since I won anything. Hoping I am not about to go through a dry spell!!

15 May 15 1:26 PM

BIG FAT ZERO!!!! Never had a dry spell this long, and I'm seriously considering giving up. I have zero attention span if things bore me lol

15 May 15 2:37 PM

Cheer up roobycat! Today hasn't ended yet, besides today could just be the rehearsal for tomorrow!

15 May 15 3:01 PM


15 May 15 4:38 PM

My 2.5 week dry spell was broken on Wednesday got phone call for $90 worth of lip gloss, came home from work to a parcel of 10 DVDs and cookbook an unknown prize, then email for Luna park rebel WilsoN movie pack, a facebook message for snoop dag cd and vileda handi I guess I made up for the dry spell, no doubt your will end again soon good luck I feel you pain

15 May 15 6:34 PM

Wow that is an awesome drought breaker. I must confess I thought I was in the beginning of a drought but received an email late this afternoon to say I had won a copy of The Water Diviner on DVD. Don't give up roobycat!!!

15 May 15 8:30 PM

Two weeks spell! Try months on end for me.. And the one prize I did win took 4 emails and 3 months to receive!! Hahaha. Gotta laugh!

Nice drought breaking wins !

18 May 15 5:28 PM