
I've Won | Mouths of Mums - Win 1 of 12 Rafferty's Garden gift packs

Woo hoo I won! I can't believe my luck these last few months, I have won a picnic basket with wine & a camera, gold class movie tickets, makeup, baby bath hamper & now this. I know the value is t huge but I'm stoked!! I always considered myself unlucky and thought competitions were a hoax, but in 3 months I have won 9 prizes. I am so glad I joined in. I'm really enjoying it and the wins making it a bit more exciting :)

19 May 15 2:36 PM

Great Run of Luck!

19 May 15 3:39 PM

Happy gardening!

19 May 15 4:26 PM

wow - congrats... great prizes..

19 May 15 8:26 PM

enjoy your winning streak, well done.

19 May 15 11:57 PM