
I've Won | That's Life - Win In-season double film passes to A Royal Night Out!

I have finally won something :)
A small win but an exciting win.
Hope this is the start of many wins to come now.

22 May 15 7:36 AM

Congratulations, Mellyxo.

22 May 15 8:57 AM

Oh congrats. You were having a dry spell like me! I won a DVD yesterday which broke mine lol a new car might've been nicer, but oh well. A win is a win. Even though it's a movie I just hired last weekend and watched *sigh*

22 May 15 9:03 AM

@roobycat Thank you :) Yes I was complaining... Maybe I should do more of it haha
A win of a car or a holiday would be nice or some cash or a fancy something something :)
@toxicgherkin Thanks :)

22 May 15 9:52 AM

Yes I've been complaining A LOT! lol usually when I have a dry spell, I then have a run of a few wins at once. So far .... just a DVD (that I've already seen) :-( there ya go ... I whinged again. I hope the whinge God's are listening

22 May 15 10:21 AM

A good start - keep trucking...

22 May 15 10:47 AM

Congrats. I remember a certain someone saying she'd be happy with anything, even Movie Tickets; and look what happened. So I'm saying it here, I'd be happy with a Lamborghini. Let's see what happens. . . : )

22 May 15 11:18 AM

@Inwithachance haha yes indeed... Could of been tickets to a Magic Mike preview screening or something though. Not sure on this movie but will give it a go since its free :)
I might whinge for a car or holiday or both haha

22 May 15 11:19 AM


22 May 15 12:17 PM

Nice win!

23 May 15 7:17 PM

Well done, enjoy

24 May 15 11:14 AM