
General Chatter

Random question of the day. What was your very first win? Ya know ... the one where you thought hmmm, this seems easy, I'm gonna enter everything I can find...... Mine was a years supply of Cadbury chocolate (72 large blocks. No idea how they worked that out, and now it's only a few weeks from being a year, and I still have about 30 blocks left lol) in a 25WOL comp on Facebook :-)

28 May 15 10:15 AM

I think from memory my very first win was a BBQ worth $1000+ from a local radio station.

28 May 15 10:19 AM

I won a local school raffle hamper. It had some random stuff in it like a sculpture of a cat. A notepad in the shape of a cat. Off-smelling room spray. Still waiting to win from Competitions online, exercising my 25 WOL skills (or lack of)!

28 May 15 11:06 AM

Wow that's a gooden, Melly! lol Mombatti! I remember once when my daughter was at primary school, they asked people for pantry items to make up a hamper for a raffle. Beauty! Time to clean out my pantry of all that junk we won't eat! I sent bags of (still good) food to school for the hamper ..... guess who ended up winning said raffle?? And let me tell you, it seemed that I wasn't the only one that cleaned out their pantries for it! :-(

28 May 15 11:16 AM

$2500 Cash Oz Lotteries Facebook Lot-O-Trivia Free Comp last year.

28 May 15 11:51 AM

$50,000 Pepsi-Beyonce New York global dream prize 18 mnths ago, some parts of the trip were priceless like hanging out with Beyonc￿nd more, how could i not have the bug after that!! :)

28 May 15 12:17 PM

$30 shrek prize pack..

28 May 15 12:21 PM

@Trevsta Oh that's right... I remember you winning that comp. That is awesome. Did you manage to get any photos of the trip or a selfie with Queen B?
@roobycat hahahahaha that is so funny. something like that would happen to me too no doubt. I am forever cleaning out our cupboard when I decide I want to go on a health kick haha

28 May 15 12:28 PM

Amazing how we all remember what is it was, huh? But seriously, Trevsta, how could you NOT remember that! Wow that's awesome! Lol Melly. Yes I ended up with something like 30 packets of jelly, and LOTS of out of date stuff. Was 'awesome' :-( lol

28 May 15 1:32 PM

Around the same time i won the (Woolworths) Pepsi Prize, I also won the major Pepsi beyonce (IGA) VIP Sydney concert, accom, meet and greet, limo, $500 dinner, and two VIP front row tix aswell as 33 x $50 T-Shirts and also $100 i-tunes card and 1x Merch, prize pack, all in one month, 3 different running comps with Pepsi, i could not, and still cant, believe my luck, since then i reckon(including sml things like stubby holders)i have won another 150 or so prizes, althou these days i tend to go for the better prizes, so if i win, i win good, good luck to everyone!!!! :)

28 May 15 1:52 PM

MiNDFOOD magazine Easter last year. Won Marion cookbook plus seven of her recipe bases. It's the one I've got my four leaf clover pressed into, which I'm thinking of know, just in case...
Trevsta that is just amazing! Wow! Any photos to share? Roobycat that is so funny and chocolate is always good! TinaC those slippers are super cute! Inwithachance and bubble are on a roll and good luck! Mombatti.

And Mellyxo good luck for the radio comp tonight!!

28 May 15 2:57 PM

Yeh good luck tonight Mellyxo!!!

28 May 15 4:08 PM

@Mandi_22 , THATS GOLD!!

28 May 15 6:57 PM

Wow Trevsta. You and Beyonce must be old mates by now then lol. I hope Melly lets us know how she goes!!!!!

28 May 15 7:25 PM

first win $5000 cash for buying a light globe!

06 Jun 15 3:27 PM