
I've Won

Omg I can't believe it, I won a camera off the national geographic comp. I saw all the posts about winning and gave it go. Was a little sceptical at first but it seems legit. Woo hoo

29 May 15 2:21 PM

Lol wow, I'm definitely NOT telling my daughter now! haha

29 May 15 2:47 PM

Well done!

29 May 15 6:09 PM


29 May 15 6:31 PM

Devils Advocate here - I have FETCH TV, and NatGeo TV is part of that subscription service. How is it fair that some perhaps are manipulating the system by sharing a codeword that they would not otherwise have access to, when they are not subscribers. Breach of T&C as entrant. Just saying.

29 May 15 8:08 PM

understand totally, why is it fair that someone wins a competition to get family and friends to like s picture but asks people on a forum such as this? People who only have a few friends, or friend that don't like 'liking photos for comps' are at a disadvantage as well. I guess what I am trying to say is people will always find a way around the T&Cs. Ps I too have Fetch although I missed the code word so got it off the internet.

29 May 15 8:28 PM

@Shannon06 I hear ya.... :-)

30 May 15 9:11 AM

@toxicgherkin, hear what you are saying but maybe the people sharing are hoping that good things will come back to them if they share the love. Plus I can honestly say I have sat down and watched a tv show that I wouldn't normally watch just to get a codeword and when I have gone to enter the competition completely forgotten what the code was. So this is handy. I like the thought of everyone helping everyone kind of like how people on here ask for votes etc in the forum I think this is no different and totally okay. Positive vibes I say.

30 May 15 11:01 AM

I got the codeword off the competition site net rewards.

30 May 15 5:31 PM

@kaybee72 that's where I got the code word too lol I really don't think it makes a difference, every one knows you can get these things on line these days, that's the beauty of the Internet lol

30 May 15 6:06 PM

@bj74 I wouldn't have even known about the comp if it wasn't for yours and the other posts about wining & I have Nat Geo TV so personally I'm thanking you :)

30 May 15 6:08 PM

@toxicgherkin I'm with you on the blatant breach of t&c's :-/
I imagine the major prize winner will be properly verified as a Foxtel subscriber before awarding that prize at least.

It was an amazing doco and i already had it scheduled to watch before i knew there was a comp. Shame people skip over watching it to go straight to the internet for the answer.

31 May 15 1:25 AM

To all: should I start to feel as though this negativity is being aimed solely at me and my win. I went from excited to being made to feel guilty and I didn't think that was what the forum was about. I don't think I will bother posting wins or anything on this site again. Best of luck all

31 May 15 10:08 AM

I also posted my win Shannon. To be fair the comping website net rewards did post the code word on their site for anyone to enter the competition and the instant win prize of a camera was awarded without any verification of membership of Foxtel etc determined. So as far as I am concerned that is a fair win. As for the major prize it is more than likely that proof of subscription will be required and fair enough. Insinuations that people have somehow gained an unfair advantage is a bit harsh. I have entered comps where t&cs have stated that barcodes and receipts are to be kept as proof on winning a prize and yet was never required to produce them when I was lucky enough to win. So don't feel guilty for your win Shannon and to be honest I actually did not read the t&cs before I entered this comp so yes I probably did the wrong thing by entering but it is also up to the promoter to enforce t&cs rules .

31 May 15 11:00 AM

Shannon like I said, there are plenty of people on here who constantly ask for votes and likes etc and noone makes peep about that. If people have a problem with your win I think that is their problem. Good on you, I like hearing about other people's wins and I hope you have plenty more.

31 May 15 11:21 AM

Why are people annoyed that someone is playing devils advocate and pointing out that if you are not a subscriber then you (not you specifically @Shannon06) are not entitled to enter the competition......... genuine compers are the first to get up in arms about PROMOTERS who bend their rules but it's ok when COMPERS ignore rules?

@Shannon06 - you're a genuine subscriber, you don't have to feel bad - great win!
I haven't entered as I'm not a subscriber but imagine winning the grand prize - once in a lifetime experience!

31 May 15 12:20 PM

For the record I did not enter intentionally to break the rules or get around T&cs. I got caught up in the excitement of entering the competition and made the mistake of simply not reading them before I entered. I certainly did not expect to win. It was an honest mistake and like I said the code word was shared on a comping website and the prize was awarded by the promoter without any verification of subscription. It was a fair point made about the breach of T&cs and it did not annoy me but I disagreed with the insinuation that everyone who entered the comp had set out to deliberately break the rules.

31 May 15 3:25 PM

Totally agree@kaybee72

31 May 15 4:24 PM

I only saw the comp details after reading all the posts here. Tried my luck and got the confirmation text saying that I've won a camera also!! So excited biggest win in a LONG time. Thanks everyone for sharing and keeping my interest level up for entering comps :)

01 Jun 15 11:09 AM