
General Chatter

Did anyone else plant their magic glucogel in the desert? Sheesh kebab! A lot of TLC required�.. ;-)

31 May 15 8:25 PM

I don't get the game .... I "played" for 20 minutes and have a grand total of about 200 points and 2 beans. That's a ridiculous time investment to "earn" a sample of jellybeans or even win a $20 teddy bear. I can't believe there are people with over 50,000 points! The game is neither that interesting nor are the prizes worth that effort.

31 May 15 11:09 PM

Nope...sorry I planted mine medium lol. And even that is annoying and takes forever...

01 Jun 15 9:06 AM

Lol yeah totally stupid and too much effort for not much return. Started mine last night, but think I might let it wilt today lol

01 Jun 15 9:30 AM

I'm with you @roobycat

01 Jun 15 2:16 PM

I played the game... Only the easiest level though haha
I will forget about it in a day or 2 though.

03 Jun 15 8:50 AM