
General Chatter

Just 'Harvested' my first, ( and probs ONLY), pack of Mint Glucojels off the 'Magic' Jelly Bean Tree from Glucojel Facebook. The WEEK that it took to achieve this WILL make them taste THAT much better when they eventually arrive I know! :P

09 Jun 15 10:43 AM

Lol you're WAY more patient than me. I did it for about 20 minutes, and gave it the boot. If it was for a car or holiday yes ... piddly bag of lollies ... NO! lol enjoy!

09 Jun 15 11:12 AM


09 Jun 15 11:14 AM

@roobycat It was more curiousity, trick is to leave the thing open in another browser to the one you're on and flick back now and then and press the water and feed. After starting and spending so much time, I was determined to get at least one bag of them. Hope they taste good. Also a box popped up under my tree and I got the chance to enter for a Prize with a written answer so who knows? Don't think I'll be back there, the Magic Tree will just have to look out for itself! :P This Elf has done enough!

09 Jun 15 12:23 PM

Yeah I started off with curiosity too, but patience isn't one of my strong points. Especially when I realised it was only for a bag of lollies so yes, my plant, like the ones at my house ... is dead lol

09 Jun 15 5:21 PM

I managed to finally score myself a bag of jelly beans too.
Not hard to keep the browser open during work and check on it every few hours to top up the food and collect the beans. :)

10 Jun 15 10:50 AM