
General Chatter

Is anyone els over FB comps? I think most co's say game of skill then see how many responses they get and then random pick. I had lost out on one where the person picked the same movie as me for their answer but just basically said they liked it where I put thought into it and used quotes from the movie etc. Why do we even bother sometimes?

09 Jun 15 2:02 PM

You're not the only one. I am picking mine very carefully these days...

09 Jun 15 2:25 PM

Basically they just seem to do it quickly. I have seen SEVERAL entries that DID NOT even answer the question and they got picked, OR entries that took a few seconds and were not good at all get picked over lengthy,(obviously not in 25WOLS though), well thought out, clever AND creative entries.

09 Jun 15 3:08 PM

Yep, I'm with you. There's still a very rare FEW good Facebook comps, but wow there's also a lot of junk out there, that you need to share 87 times and tag 5 million people in. I leave those ones alone usually. If it's a decent prize I'll share once or tag one person, but I leave 90% of the others well alone. They're the ones that usually attract the same people time after time after time. You can nearly guess what names you'll see in most of those. And as for answering the question, yes I've seen some very dodgy answers win too!

09 Jun 15 3:15 PM

How about sharing some of the good ones. I'll start with Icon Film Distribution (DVDs) and Organic Times (organic chocolate). I have had very good experience with both of these!

09 Jun 15 3:27 PM

And Reincarnated Treasures

09 Jun 15 3:41 PM

Good idea @Jennye!
MasterCard have good comps. I won a day spa voucher in their Mothers Day comp and there were no dramas.
Sunbeam I've had good experience with.
MWAVE I won a $200 prize and had it the very next day! Now THAT is service!
Terry White chemist are great.

Hmmm I'll have to think about it and come back. There's quite a few now I think about it.

09 Jun 15 5:19 PM

@jennye I'll second Icon Film Distribution.

09 Jun 15 9:34 PM