
General Chatter

Ugh... Does anyone else ever feel like throwing the Daily Bonus Point box out the proverbial window? I think I've gotten a single digit point every day this week, or close to it!

I know it's just a matter of luck, so this is just an innocent whinge. :) Don't mind me.

Oh, and when I say "out the window", I'm not suggesting they stop using the Daily Bonus Point mechanic. I actually quite like it. I've just had enough of its attitude this week! ;)

10 Jun 15 2:39 PM

Yep I totally hear you, agree with your whinge - I'll join you on that bandwagon.

11 Jun 15 11:05 AM

HAHAHA! This whinge-and-win thing really works! Logged in today -- 50 bonus points!

Darn, I wasted my whinge. Should have complained about my distinct lack of car-winning. ;)

11 Jun 15 3:31 PM