
General Chatter

Yet another great competition found, and quickly ruined when I read it's a 'most votes wins' competition. Toughest tradie hands, which I think my hubby definitely has, to win a NIssan ute. I got excited, started planning how to take the photo of him at work etc etc, then I read once they have decided on finalists, it's a voting competition. Why on earth do promoters do this? Is it so that it takes the heat off from THEM having to decide the winner themselves? There's no way anyone will convince me that voting competitions are fair. Not bothering with it, as I will guarantee that the winner will have hundreds of votes in a day. I can handle not having the winning entry, such is life, but it really sucks when 'ordinary' people who think they may have a chance regarding what the competition is asking for, end up having no hope, simply because they don't have 18,000 fake friends :-(

10 Jun 15 6:07 PM

What I don't like are entries with 100s of votes bought from voting sites, many of them overseas. I don't have a chance so don't bother.

10 Jun 15 9:14 PM

Totally agree, I just lost a voting comp where the winner had THE worst pic and got over 2000 votes vs most other people who had an average of 30. I hate voting comps!! I also was going to enter the toughest tradie hands as well, now won't bother :(

10 Jun 15 10:13 PM

Yeah it's very unfair. Why bother asking for a particular subject at all. May as well just say 'post a photo of anything, and the most votes, wins'. Yep @fourleaf, well known that people pay for votes. @nicky, I won't be bothering either, I've seen some really stupid photos win things too, just because they obviously rig their votes. 'Normal' people just haven't got a hope

11 Jun 15 10:21 AM