
General Chatter

'Purchase to win' comps. If you enter these, and more importantly if you have ever WON one (a big one) how many entries did you enter? I've only recently got into these to see how I go, but I only enter a few times (depending on what it is you need to purchase), but I've seen people say they've entered hundreds of times!!! All well and good if you win, but I figure if you enter heaps of them, over a hundred times each, taking into account the times you DON'T win, is it worth it? Again ... just wondering :-)

12 Jun 15 4:26 PM

I have always pondered this question too. There have been competitions I have won with only a few entries but others where I have won zilch and put in lots of entries. I have never won a huge prize such as a car or holiday yet. I remember reading a blurb on Arnott's Tim Tam website a few years ago about the winners of a competition where they gave away a couple of cars. It was interesting that both women said they had only put in one entry each when I am pretty sure there would have been lots of people who had multiple entries (who can resist buying Tim Tams!). It is like people who put in multiple system entries for Lotto and win nothing and someone will buy a single quick pick and clean up. You can increase your odds but it still comes down to the luck of the draw. I never buy what I can't use and try and stick to my budget. Some weeks I am too poor to enter a purchase to win comp or just can't justify the purchase so I pick and choose. I am still a fan and prefer them over the 25wol or facebook comps.

12 Jun 15 6:53 PM

Mmmm good point @kaybee about buying Lotto tickets. Never looked at it that way before. I've seen stories on current affair shows about professional 'compers' and for example there's a comp on coffee, then they buy 40 jars of it. I just can't justify doing that. If it's something I know we'll use or eat, then yeah a few maybe, but not if it's a new product.
I see a few comps where you need to buy a carton of a certain beer .... all good .... if it's a beer you like, but I'm not gonna spend $50 if I don't even know what it tastes like. lol
As for 'who can resist buying Tim TAms? .... me! I really do not like them at all haha I know, I'm a weirdo .... sweet tooth hubby tells me that all the time lol

12 Jun 15 8:29 PM

It would be interesting to see the stats on how many entries the big winners put in. I can't justify buying umpteen dozen things just to enter a comp either and I certainly won't buy something I am not going to use but there are usually comps that have products I will buy anyway so I figure I may as well enter. Pepsi had several comps running earlier this year and the same people won every one and several from the same family. You could enter 5 times a day so I guess they really must have stocked up on Pepsi. I can't compete with that. I have had quite a few wins like the recent Kellog's comp and I won a $500 eftpos card in the Golden Circle comp. In both of those I only put in a few entries. If you buy 40 jars of coffee or 100 bottles of Pepsi you better make sure you win the top prize just to get your money back!!

13 Jun 15 6:41 AM

Oh and I also am more likely to enter comps that have multiple prizes rather than just one top prize.

13 Jun 15 6:49 AM

Depends on what the product is for me, if it's something I always use then probably a few entries.
When I won a surfboard , 1 entry, McDonald's monopoly surround sound system, 2 entries, local newspaper/McDonald's comp, trip to Disneyland, 3 entries, and no, not a fan of macca's ,but pretty stoked with my wins.

13 Jun 15 9:07 AM

I'm over the 'junk food' comps, I know that much! I usually don't buy this stuff because I eat it, and there's about 3 running at the moment :-( yes I've been eating it

15 Jun 15 10:16 AM

I know roobycat. I have just started a new diet and exercise program so I guess I won't be entering anymore of those comps. I indulged in 2 packets of M&Ms over the long weekend. I did my bit haha.

15 Jun 15 7:53 PM

I saw in the T&Cs for the Big Night in it also cover a few less junk foodie items like Disney produce packs, D'Orsogna deli products, Old El Paso and Mount Franklin water. I'm a bit over chips and biscuits aswell. Although I did go and buy three packs of DeLites today just to enter the comp haha

17 Jun 15 10:51 PM