
I've Won

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Civic Australia
#WinWithCivic: It's time to put your thinking caps back on, come up with a caption for this Dracula Untold picture, and you could WIN yourself 1 of 5 cool Action DVD Packs!
Entries close Monday 23rd March at 11am EST Winners will be announced at 12:30pm, so hurry up and get your captions in?
**One entry per person**

....."So we still have 2 unclaimed prizes in this competition so we have chosen another 2 winners ... Sandi Giles and Christopher King. You have won yourself a cool action DVD pack. PM us with your details so we can send this great prize to you asap.?

My entry -
Gar-lique, the new bodyspray from Lacroix, Darling, stops Vlad dead in his tracks.

17 Jun 15 4:37 PM

Great answer Toxic!!! Congratulations :)

17 Jun 15 6:19 PM

Good answer Toxic!

17 Jun 15 6:39 PM

Good answer, congratulations! :)

17 Jun 15 6:45 PM

Ooooh good one! Nice pick up there! :-)

17 Jun 15 6:46 PM

haha, great answer!

18 Jun 15 11:57 AM

Love the answer, well done, enjoy your prize.

19 Jun 15 11:53 PM