
General Chatter

Anyone ever been informed that they are a winner and told the company that will be distributing the prize will contact you in the near future.
Then that company never contacts you. So you inform the company that you entered the competition with and let them know that the distribution company has not followed through. Then their reply is repeatedly, that they are following the matter up and to please be patient.

27 Jun 15 1:29 PM

@toxicgherkin has...dramas!!

27 Jun 15 2:03 PM

Oh.....the patience of the long-running marathon comper!

27 Jun 15 3:08 PM

Thankfully *touch wood* I've not had any MAJOR dramas. I have had stuff not turn up or the date I was promised it would arrive has been and gone, but again, thankfully, I've chased up the promoter, and said prizes have turned up pretty quickly after that. Usually the bigger the company, the more they DON'T want bad publicity. I have heard some horror stories though, which I hope never happen to me. I would hound them until the cows (or prizes) come home

27 Jun 15 3:21 PM

@Trevsta, true 'dat!

27 Jun 15 5:39 PM

Recently I won something through a FB comp and as requested I PM'd my details. They replied that the prize would be sent in a few days. About 2 weeks later I messaged to see if there had been a delay because I hadn't received it yet but they have not replied. That was a week ago and still nothing. I think I'll let this one go because I'm not that fussed on the prize but I won't bother with them again.

27 Jun 15 8:12 PM

ss to hear that ... nothing worse than getting excited that you've won a prize and then have something like this happen, I hope you eventually get your prize, sooner rather than later.

28 Jun 15 12:22 AM

I would keep at them Jrob. That's not good enough, and technically, ILLEGAL. If they don't want to give things away, they shouldn't offer. I'm sure they got many many new 'likes' due to the competition, so it's the least they can do to pay up

28 Jun 15 10:18 AM

I got asked for my details for a Jason Statham competition, which I assumed meant I'd won, since details weren't required as part of the entry, but heard nothing back. Emailing them produced no response either. I rarely chase wins up, and just put missing wins down to karma, expecting an even bigger win next time!

28 Jun 15 10:55 AM