
General Chatter

has anyone experience unsafe website surveys or competitons? to keep an eye on

27 Jun 15 7:42 PM

Just the Cohort Digital surveys. I've made the mistake a few times of entering a competition (usually the big ones) and then going through the survey that follows. I always made a point of saying No to everything, but inevitably I still get phone calls as a result. Now, I've realised that you don't need to do the survey. Usually just entering the competition is enough (it normally says 'You've successfully entered' on the first page of the survey), so I just close the browser window from there.

28 Jun 15 10:49 AM

Exactly - ditto above! If it comes up Cohort Tracking I exit quickly and don't look back! These are usually the Big Voucher ones like Bunnings etc, and often "featured"...
so, "if it looks too good to be true" POQ.

28 Jun 15 10:58 AM

thanks guys. Its annoying getting phone calls when you have said NO

29 Jun 15 10:20 PM

Sometimes their is a 'skip it'button too..use that...note the Wording says if you respond.. So yes or no is a response.. Sneaky

Bottom right you'll see it .. But they don't make it obvious

30 Jun 15 12:47 AM