
I've Won

From Madman Films Facebook

A copy of Season 17 of Midsomer Murders and a Midsomer Umbrella

Other Winners here:¬if_t=photo_reply

165 Wins in my now ELEVEN MONTH Winning Streak/ Marathon.
131 this year
7 this week
2 today!

Good Luck ALL! : )


02 Jul 15 5:35 PM

congrats - you are an inspiration..

02 Jul 15 7:05 PM

@bubble936 Thanks! That's the whole idea of posting the Wins. To let people, (especially new members), here see that you can Win; Win A LOT, in the hope that they might get into it instead of thinking 'no-one Wins'. If I can be THIS Lucky maybe others can be too. Even a few Wins are better than not bothering. Still a lot of skeptical people out there who think no-one Wins Comps really, the Prizes just 'evaporate or whatever'. Good Luck to you!

02 Jul 15 7:52 PM

Congrats! Hope you win a popcorn machine (or new microwave) - Pronto!
By the way how's that cute calf going?

02 Jul 15 7:55 PM

@fourleaf Needs more votes. THANKS! Yes lots of Movies to munch Popcorn to. I've Won 8 Dvds this week!

02 Jul 15 7:58 PM

I don't reply to your wins too often - takes away from precious comping time, but yes, your posts are inspirational and help me through the droughts.

02 Jul 15 8:14 PM

Are you retried ? You win so many comps . Hope one day I can be successful like you :) good one ya

02 Jul 15 8:35 PM

@Jrob71 Nice to know. Good Luck to you!

02 Jul 15 9:17 PM

@MammaPigga84 Just well organised. Good Luck!

02 Jul 15 9:18 PM