
General Chatter

Hi, just wondering if any one has seen a comp that is supposed to be 25wol but the winners were well over. Have you ever complained or just accepted you didn't win so move on?

02 Jul 15 6:38 PM

Yep I've seen quite a few. And yes I mention it to them, publically. They shouldn't make rules if they aren't going to stick by them. I'm never rude about it, but find if you do it publically, they tend to back-pedal, because it's not a good look. But recently I saw this happen, and complaints rolled in, and the company basically said 'well that's the answer we liked the most, so that's the winner'. So why say 25 WOL then? I also saw quite a BIG prize be given to someone who hadn't even answered the question that was asked. Stupid

02 Jul 15 7:12 PM

Isn't there something about the rules of running comps that mean WOL comps are easier to run than random draws (maybe random is gambling so needs a license?). But WOL take more work to come up with a winner so maybe they run under WOL rules but don't use any effort in 'choosing' a winner.

02 Jul 15 8:13 PM

Yeah, I saw a very dismal entry win a major prize with 27 words about 8 mths ago.
(And I mean dismal).
Considering I'd spent about three days racking my brains to come up with a reasonable answer within 25 words, I was floored. I had a hard time working out how it was judged. At least with PROPERLY run FB comps you can see the answers which I hope keep judges honest and on their toes. Nothing wrong with asking a few questions.

02 Jul 15 8:40 PM

Funny you should ask. Tonight an $899 Swarovski Figurine Comp ended. 25WOL as per the rules? Have a look, I count FORTY NINE WORDS! Jema was the Winner.
The Winner's entry.

The Comp itself. Link to T's & C's included in the post.
"To enter the Competition, you must:
(a) Like 1 of the 2 Cinderella competition post over the 7 day Competition Period.
(b) Answer, in 25 words or less, the question, in the comment section on Facebook, which is asked in the post"¬if_t=photo_reply

02 Jul 15 9:09 PM

@Inwithachance this is the one I was referring too. I sent a pm to Swarovski immediately after the winner was announced, so will see if they reply. I reckon I deleted my answer 10 or so times trying to get in with the 25wol. Don't mind if I don't win, but would be happier if the winner had to follow the same rules I did. I think a majority of the winners had over the 25 :(

02 Jul 15 9:41 PM

I sent Swarovski a PM explaining about the 25wol, they either didn't care or didn't read my email as this was their response, oh well, I knew it wouldn't do anything but at least I tried lol

02 Jul 15 11:20 PM

@Shannon06 I think that's called not answering your enquiry.

03 Jul 15 12:08 AM

Hi guys, they've redrawn this comp!

03 Jul 15 9:10 AM

@JulieD Good.

03 Jul 15 10:03 AM

Wow! Lol that's unreal! I've seen about 30 words 'win' but that winners entry was like a novel! Haha

03 Jul 15 11:10 AM

S T O O P I D - choooooo straight over their heads!! just like the answer derrrrrrrrr

07 Jul 15 7:44 PM