
General Chatter

Just wondering how everyone does their comping? Random (like me)? A daily 30 minutes? Weekly hour? Just curious :)

09 Jul 15 9:00 AM

For me, it depends on life in general. Sometimes I'll go nuts and spend a fair while entering, other days, maybe 1 or 2, and other days, 20 minutes here n there throughout the day. But I'm super picky these days and lean mainly towards the bigger comps now, of things I really want, and usually 25WOL. 90% of Facebook comps I don't go near, as the prize is no good to me. I want prizes I'm super excited about winning :-)

09 Jul 15 10:18 AM

VickieP you read my mind, I was thinking this just yesterday, I enter comps for things I really want usually set aside at least an hour per day although this week I've needed a bit of a break. Then I spend time keeping my inbox under some sort of control. Also have made a list of daily entry comps. I'm trying to put some order into things but If I don't write the ones I really want to win down I forget to enter the next day which is really annoying! I think my best answers come when I really love the prize. Any organizational tips from anyone would be appreciated!

09 Jul 15 11:57 AM

Just about to give up as it's been so long between prizes

09 Jul 15 4:16 PM

@bunna you'll win something now that you've complained. Every time I complain and crack it and say that's it, I'm not doing it anymore, I win a few good ones in a row, so good luck!!

09 Jul 15 6:12 PM

I'm sitting in front of the TV, with laptop, dividing my attention between a movie and comps/surveys and will do this until tiredness or cold drives me to bed. Some nights I go out and sometimes I can't be bothered comping so it probably works out to be just a few nights a week.

09 Jul 15 8:15 PM

Thanks I hope so@roobycat

09 Jul 15 10:45 PM

@bunna. Watch The Secret. Attitude has a lot to do with winning competitions. Logic states that lucky draws are just random, but hope states that there's more to it (a battle that occurs between the hemispheres of our brain). I find that when I'm in a happy and hopeful mood, my 25 words or less entries are actually pretty good. They are unique, clever and very applicable to the question asked. But if my mood is a little depressed, I seem to only come up with dry, boring, by the book entries.

Inwithachance can probably attest to this, that when you're on a roll, or in the zone, prizes just come at you left, right and centre. This is not just because they enter a lot of competitions, because we all do this, but because they are hopeful and believe in their success, and that success naturally comes to them. Give it a try.

10 Jul 15 6:45 AM

@danwgreenfield I think being positive is a must. Truth is though, I STILL can't believe my Luck!

11 Jul 15 12:08 AM