
General Chatter

Gosh, I've had so many daily bonus points under 10 this month that there's no way I could win this months competition, even with the extra 50 birthday points. Let's hope the rest of the month sees BIG points come my way!!! ;)

12 Jul 15 9:17 AM

Yep! It's a tough game, I think I sat on 1 for about a week then ended up 7th or 9th at the end of the month. Good luck! :)

12 Jul 15 4:32 PM

Because of health issues I am ranked 127th so there is no way I am going to get anywhere this month even with my Birthday points too.

12 Jul 15 5:32 PM

Lol, 48 bonus points today. It goes from one extreme to the other. Yeah, it's exciting nonetheless. I feel for you jennye. I know how hard it is to keep up the routine when your health gets you down. I hope you get better!

13 Jul 15 9:36 AM

@jennye hope your feeling better very soon.

13 Jul 15 12:36 PM