
General Chatter

I have just started looking at competitions again after a break of a few years. I've noticed that the majority of on line competitions now are through Cohort Digital usually involving answering questions before the entry goes through. Do people actually win anything? I'm worried that as I have provided my phone number I am going to be hounded by phone calls.

13 Jul 15 10:39 PM

You could probably add Jack Media to the list as well. They seem to do the same thing as Cohort Digital, only they don't offer a skip option or actually tell you that you've been successfully entered. Yes, I've always gotten phone calls from Cohort, even when I choose the No option, so I'm always weary of entering. On all of them, I now tend to enter the competition on the first page, and as soon as the questionnaires pop up I just close my browser. I've noticed emails sometimes come to me saying I've been entered, just by completing my details on the first page. Sometimes, the first page of the questionnaires say that I've been entered as well. Either way, I no longer fill in the questionnaires as it is asking them to give your details to the related company regardless of what answer you give. Also, I've never heard of anyone actually winning the competitions, so I'm still in the dark as to whether or not they are real competitions.

14 Jul 15 9:13 AM

I'm very careful with what I enter. If I get a 'survey' that I have to do to 'complete my entry', I also just close the window. When I first started doing this competition bizzo, and was learning my way around, I accidentally clicked 'yes' to hear from Real Insurance .... oh my GOSH they HOUNDED me, 5 or 6 calls a day until I finally just blocked them!! Never ever again will I do that. I now never fail to read terms, especially if there's not much info on the page, and I have to say I very very rarely get any telemarketing calls

14 Jul 15 10:38 AM

Hi Judynjo, There are lots and lots of comps out there which don't need you to fill out surveys :) , I enter the ones without the 12 pages of questions after making the mistake of filling one out and getting endless calls after I said no to everything. If you do, the trick is to hit the skip or next button without answering any questions. If they call I say no early on in the conversation and ask to be removed from their calling database list which they must do or they can be reported. These are really hard core marketing campaigns and in the beginning it took me a while to work out which comps these were. Most comps are ok. Good luck with your comping :)

14 Jul 15 12:58 PM