
Tips & Tricks

How do you win things? I'm not very lucky and would love anyone to share their tips please! Thank you! :)

16 Jul 15 11:14 PM

1. Enter plenty
2. Never talk yourself out of entering, try anyway
3. Check your spam emails sometimes Wins go there

You owe me $1000 for the advice.

Good Luck.

17 Jul 15 12:47 AM

If you're just starting out, enter enter enter!!! Takes maybe 3 months sometimes before anything happens, but once a prize arrives, no matter how small, that spurs you on. Once you get the hang of it, you can pick and choose what you want to enter, like I do now. We've all had times we think no, bugger this, not winning anything so I give up ..... and then something arrives, and BAM, off you go again. I suggest giving it 6 months with entering everything you find, and see how you go. You eventually get a hint of how things work, and depending on what you want to win, when you get something that you reallllly wanted, it's an amazing feeling :-) Oh, and always ALWAYS read the rules first so you don't disqualify yourself without realising. Good luck!

17 Jul 15 8:33 AM

First thing is to ask yourself what type of 'Comper' you want to be and how much time you can afford to spend.

Is it about the prize or the win, just for the sake of winning something even if it's junk?

If it's all about the win then you'll need to enter a lot of comps, taking up a fair bit of time. I'm retired and I don't know where I'd find the hours to just sit at the computer chasing down all those Facebook giveaways and other competitions, day in, day out.

Winning a fridge magnet, cheap cap or a free ticket to a movie on the other side of Australia just doesn't give me a thrill.

If it's useful and worthwhile prizes that you're after then you'll be picky like me and others and not enter that many, however for the WOL comps you'll have the time to put effort into submitting a good entry for a decent prize that you really want and believe me, they are very winnable.

Also what @Roobycat said, take the time to read the T&C. For Facebook giveaways don't just assume the business is located in Australia if it isn't obvious that it is, check then check if the giveaway is open worldwide. Personally I never enter a comp that's open worldwide, as others have won and have never received their prize but that's up to you if you want to take the chance.

I probably only check out the comps on here every month or couple of months and if I look at 20 - 30 I probably only end up entering two or three of them as once I've read the T&C especially with the win a trip ones, I hit the back button or as in the Facebook ones if they're tag and share and share some more or the prize just isn't worth the effort to jump through a heap of hoops, I also back out.

However you decide to play, I wish you good luck.

18 Jul 15 5:31 AM

Wow. You sound EXACTLY like me, @pickycomper. I don't understand the 'share this post 500 times and tag 800 friends as often as you like' to win, what I call ... 'landfill prizes', but as you said, it depends on the individual. Lots do it, and they're happy, so good on them. With what I enter now, if I win, I know it's something I really want and/or need, and will be happy with it. And yes, the T&C's, especially on holiday comps, are VITAL. One I saw recently was a ONE WAY ticket to (can't remember where but let's say GERMANY) and two nights 3 star accommodation for ONE PERSON. Yet the 'heading' screamed 'WIN A TRIP TO GERMANY' so it would've been easy to get caught. I've found so many loopholes and things in terms and conditions, and given that comp the flick straight away. I refuse to 'win' a holiday, and then have to spend an extra $2000 or more of my own, to take it.

18 Jul 15 9:03 AM

All of the above, be persistent, try to think outside the box, then try a little more.
It WILL happen and good luck!

18 Jul 15 6:51 PM