
General Chatter

Hey guys. I'm a little confused, when entering words or less competitions, do the companies running them really look at the answers or just award them to a random entry? I say this because I entered a comp on Facebook with Feel Great and it says in the T&Cs that they award it to the most creative answer. They commented on the winning comment and it really wasn't creative at all. Not saying mine was the best but there were some way better ones then the winners.

Is it really worth putting in all the effort to come up with a truly great response or is it just luck of the draw?

Cheers and best of luck

24 Jul 15 9:22 PM

Any answer can Win. Try anyway. Good Luck.

24 Jul 15 9:33 PM

I think it depends really, I know I've seen winning entries ,such as a virgin holidays comp to win a trip to Disneyland and the answer was to be most creative,most relevant etc, and the winning answer was nothing like that at all, I say it was a random draw, which really is stink, especially when how much time is spent on a writing a answer that fits the terms and conditions.

25 Jul 15 8:16 AM

I agree bj. Especially when you sit down and think, I'm going to write something really cool here. You put the effort in and the promoter doesn't commit to what they said they are judging.

Annoying yes but like inwithachance said, you have to be in it to have a chance.

25 Jul 15 8:20 AM

I don't think they are ALL randomly drawn. I heard from an 'insider' that the BIG companies let their 'juniors' go through the entries and choose a hundred or so finalists, and then they are handed on to more senior workers, to choose a winner from those. Smaller comps, I'm sure some are drawn, but I guess we'll never know. Having said that, there was MAJOR 25WOL comp just last week or week before to win $10,000 cash. The winner was announced and it turns out they had not only entered with their 25WOL but had also sent in by mail, a poster with pictures of what they will do with the money. People went nuts about it because the company hadn't stated that mail in entries would be accepted. The companies reply to the many complaints was something along the lines of 'yes it was completely judged on her 25WOL answer, but she went over and above by also sending the collage'. They shot themselves in the foot there, because they practically admitted that they were swayed by what she'd sent in, but said it had nothing to do with it??

25 Jul 15 11:19 AM

I think it depends on the company, the comp and probably even the weather. Have seen some very woeful answers win some very good prizes which can be upsetting after putting in lots of effort. Maybe after a while all the answers look the same. Your right, judges should be following through with their commitment. I still try to put my best answer forward though hoping they are going to be one of the comps judged properly.

25 Jul 15 8:18 PM