
General Chatter

So I'm chasing up a prize. A $120 Remington shaver that I won on July 2nd in a Facebook comp from 'The F' - a Melbourne based company. I messaged them my details as requested, that message STILL hasn't even been read. I posted on their wall, asking when I will receive the prize - no response - even though they are still posting status updates. I again messaged them the other day, and that hasn't been read either. I have googled and it seems there's no other way to contact them. Any ideas? I know it's free and technically I haven't lostt anything, but if companies aren't going to send out prizes, they shouldn't run competitions!

25 Jul 15 11:24 AM

Similar thing happening to me, but at least the company is replying to my emails. They seem to keep delaying things. Saying they have been trying to contact the supplier of the prizes. I have been playing email ping pong for weeks and weeks now.

25 Jul 15 1:06 PM

Very annoying, keep trying, sounds like they're not too committed to their FB page.

25 Jul 15 8:29 PM

Very annoying indeed but in breaking news ..... they've finally replied to my messages, saying the standard *yawn* 'oh sorry, we posted it as soon as you won it, so it must've been lost in the post'. To which I've again replied to THEM saying 'well that's funny. I don't know where it was posted to because the original message I sent with my address, hadn't even been 'seen' on Facebook until now.'. This is gonna be a circus, I can tell, but I'm gonna keep at them.

26 Jul 15 8:23 AM

Lol and now ..... "Facebook is funny sometimes depending on which device it's opened on. We'd seems the address, never fear!" Watch this space ..... haha

26 Jul 15 11:12 AM

Hey roobycat, might be worth also checking with the local PO what they do with lost items especially parcels. I'm pretty sure that it's near impossible for things to be lost in the post because POs have such strict tracking procedures that have come in. (I checked on a letter the other day) Once you have this info under your belt, the company will have to chase it up!

26 Jul 15 4:15 PM

Hi @fourleaf! Yes that's the next line I'm going to throw at them, because I live in a small town, and the postie and parcel delivery guys know where everyone lives. I've received many wrongly addressed letters and parcels. So it wouldn't be sitting at the local PO. I think they're just making up excuses. I wouldn't mind betting that my parcel arrives in the next couple of days - MAGICALLY lol

26 Jul 15 4:52 PM

Hope so! My parcel delivery man knows me now too which is a good thing.

26 Jul 15 5:44 PM

Yep, and now if I'm out somewhere and see him heading in my direction, I think 'you better be going to MY joint matey' lol!

26 Jul 15 6:51 PM

Ughh been through that painful process... no amount of emails and posts on the facebook wall made a difference and they insisted it was sent! In the end I just gave up as it had been months.. really disappointing!

28 Jul 15 6:31 PM

Well I'm going to keep at them Bel lol. I'm waiting to see what happens this week, and if it still doesn't show, I'll be onto them yet again, and I WON'T leave them alone lol

28 Jul 15 7:48 PM