
General Chatter

I'm just asking a question - I know people have their own tastes, but I get sent quite a few links to win things like this, and I'm wondering what on earth you would do with it and why someone would want it. I've never entered to win one and I wont, as to me, this one in particular looks like a piece of kangaroo poo, and they're just not my cup of tea, but can someone just tell me what they are meant to do? I don't get it. What are they for?

28 Jul 15 10:57 AM

Crystals are supposed to possess certain elements - I have a large amethyst one by my bed as it's supposed to help sleep and it's really pretty! I'm sure in certain light that one might sparkle more... another compers trash is anothers treasure!? :)

28 Jul 15 6:30 PM

Ok. Yeah I understand people obviously like them. I just never understood WHY! lol My daughter has a few in her house, but they're the clearish or slightly coloured pretty ones. This one, just looks like fossilised poo to me haha but yes you're right. One compers trash ....... thanks :-)

28 Jul 15 7:42 PM

Lol lol lol totally agree!

02 Aug 15 6:52 AM