
General Chatter

Does anyone sell their competition winnings sometimes? And if you do, do you feel bad about it?
Just wondering as I won a prize worth $3500 that at the time really wanted (and still do) but financially at the moment we could use the cash more so.
But the promoter keeps asking me how I like it and I feel so guilty about selling it!

29 Jul 15 12:19 PM

Well this could be answered in two ways. I never enter to win prizes that I don't want, purely so I can sell them. I think that's quite a greedy way of doing things, when the prize may be really wanted and/or needed by someone who will use it, and yes, I would feel horribly guilty knowing I never wanted it in the first place, when someone else DID, BUT! having said that, if I've won a prize as you have that I really wanted, but then find myself on hard times and selling that prize could really help me out at the time, then yes I'd consider selling it. I haven't had to do that as yet thankfully, but there's no point struggling through life, when you have something you could sell to get you out of trouble. I hope that makes sense :-)

29 Jul 15 12:34 PM

The only time I have sold a prize was when I won a double pass to the Future music festival this year through a Pringles promotion. I had intended to go but in the end we weren't able to use the tickets so I sold them through Gumtree at a fairly cheap price. I had so many people wanting them. I probably sold them too cheap but I didn't want to really profit from my win. They cost me nothing but 2 tubs of Pringles. My husband and I used the money to have a night out for our wedding anniversary instead. I don't think there is anything wrong with selling the prize depending on the circumstance. If you were consistently winning prizes purely to make a profit selling them then that may be unethical. Don't feel too guilty.

29 Jul 15 1:13 PM

Don't feel guilty what you do with the prize is your choice I would do the same

29 Jul 15 3:10 PM

I don't enter comps to sell things either. Much better to sell it if you need the money badly so don't feel guilty, it's yours now.

29 Jul 15 3:56 PM

Your win, your choice!!

29 Jul 15 5:00 PM

Thanks for your input guys :)
It looks like I'm going to keep it now anyway as it turns out there's not much interest in a ridiculously expensive coffee machine!!
We may be broke at the moment but at least we can have indulgent coffee every morning and fake it til we make it :P

30 Jul 15 7:37 AM

Lol @Brooksta21. Atleast you have a happy outlook and that's the best thing to have! I'm assuming you tried Ebay? Or even local cafe's may be interested if it's cheapish? Most prizes ARE grossly over valued though. Some of the holidays I see, I think umm, how did you come up with THAT value? lol I hope you see brighter days soon :-)

30 Jul 15 8:47 AM

Thanks roobycat!
Yeah I tried EBay & gumtree but maybe my price is the problem who knows.. The info booklet says warranty is only an option with proof of receipt of purchase too so I wouldn't want to buy an expensive coffee machine with no warranty and maybe that's an issue when selling as well. ?
I'm starting to see now that prizes are very overpriced! A quick google search and you find the same product for sale for half the price!
Thanks for the well wishes :) :)

30 Jul 15 9:08 AM

I've sold a few and gifted more. The way I see it - comping as a hobby takes a lot of effort, sometimes its almost work. Work deserves reward - if you need to swap your rewards for cash or other then so be it, generally the promoter has had their right amount of promotion out of you anyway - well prior to issuing prizes.

30 Jul 15 4:37 PM

Yep Brooksta, I'd say that could be the issue. People won't want to fork out a few thousand dollars for something with no receipt and therefore no warranty. If it was $500 I'm sure you'd sell it, but that's cutting yourself short, so you may as well keep it. Good luck. Who knows. You may crack a big cash one soon!! Fingers crossed for you :-)

30 Jul 15 6:24 PM