
General Chatter

Just thought I'd share this little story that popped up on my Facebook. 1:250 ratio of winning. Would you agree? I don't!

02 Aug 15 2:56 PM

Yep I'd agree on most levels with that- generally the prizes aren't worth the effort. What keeps me going is the hope that one day it will be a bigger prize, and realistically that is more likely to happen if you put in regular effort. If I don't use sites like this one I don't even hear about the comps.

03 Aug 15 11:08 AM

Hey Bunna. Wouldn't you say the ratio is a little lower though? But then I suppose if you average out to include the dry spells, it balances out. You're right though, the more effort you put in, the more you often win. I don't enter if the prize doesn't appeal to me, or isn't worth the effort, so that lowers my ratio chances yet again. In the past 3 months, I've gone into comping head first and full on to see what happens, and have noticed bigger prizes rolling in, so you reap what you sow I suppose :-)

03 Aug 15 12:37 PM

My friends and family think I do quite well at comping and I laugh and say it's one of the few things you can achieve about 1% at and people think you are doing well. So I've guessed my win rate at 1:100 and have often wondered what it is really. I think some people are better at WOL and creative comps than others too so some people win more than others. I also think your reason for comping changes your perspective on it's value. You can't rely on comping to supply what you need but it's great to get a few things from time to time without needing spend anything.

03 Aug 15 9:16 PM

Lol oh I get that all the time 'you're so tinny' or 'you're so lucky'. Ummm not really. If you see how many I enter! lol But once again, I lean more towards the bigger prizes these days, or something I really really want. If I entered absolutely everything I'm sure I'd win more often, but I don't want prizes that I say 'oh. That's nice' and throw it in a drawer. I want prizes that I say WOOOHOOOO I WON I WON I WON! One friend in particular decided she was going to give comping a go. A month later she said , that's crap, I won nothing. I asked how many she entered and she said oh about 10. Lol well yeah, that explains why you didn't win. Takes a bit more effort than that

04 Aug 15 1:04 PM