
General Chatter

Anyone get the run around when they have won a prize and have not received it.
I was informed many many weeks ago now that I had won a prize (a very substantial one too) and the company who ran the competition "Musashi" supplements, has given me the run around since then. Saying that the supplier of the prize would contact me to arrange deliver. Also telling me that they had been contacting the supplier, Harvey Norman to pursue the matter.
I have since had emails from Harvey Norman, giving me a similar kind of run around. Both companies keep assuring me "you will receive your prize"
It is very frustrating, but I will continue to probe them.
Just wanting to see if anything like this has happened to others and what they did (or can be done) to solve the issue. I realise it's a prize but it still comes across as very poor service and it has put me off dealing with both companies in the future.

07 Aug 15 11:35 AM

Lol this is so funny that you mention this! Today, I FINALLY received a prize I've been chasing. Not as big as yours, it's a $160 electric shaver - but decent enough prize. I won it on June 1st. I messaged my details to them as requested, straight away, and 3 weeks later, the message still hadn't even been read, so I posted a message onto their wall. They were updating their status, but STILL nobody replied to read my previous messages. Right, game on ....

I messaged them again a week or so later, and surprisingly, got some lame excuse of 'oh we sent that when you won it. Are you sure you haven't received it? Errrm, well no, I wouldn't be chasing you if I had it now, would I? To that the reply I got was simply 'ok, never fear'. (strange message. What does THAT mean?) I then replied, 'well I don't know where it would've been sent, because the message with my address on it, hasn't even been read until today? I didn't get a reply to that one.

Couple weeks later AGAIN, still nothing, LAST FRIDAY I saw them update a status which started something like 'we're desperately seeking (whatever it was). Do you know anyone ... etc etc.' I replied to that status, well I'm desperately seeking a prize I won from you nearly two months ago now. Please advise as to when it will be received. Up pops a private message: 'Oh I'm sorry, you still haven't received it? Sorry about that. This has never happened before. I'll pop another one in the mail today, in the next half hour infact, and if the other one turns up, please keep that as well.' (don't worry mate, I WILL be)!

Now this is a Melbourne based company. My daughter lives in Melbourne, and if either of us posts something to the other, it's delivered the very next day. YESTERDAY (5 working days after he said he's posted it) I messaged yet AGAIN! To which I get 'oh you should have it tomorrow'. SHAZAM! What turns up today in an express post satchel, posted just yesterday? Yep, my prize. Funny that! Must've gone via Darwin or something.

Anyway, yes, pursue pursue pursue. Yes it's something for free, but if they aren't going to give out the prizes they promise, they shouldn't run competitions. IF it was just something like a candle or a hat or anything of not much value, I wouldn't waste my time or energy, but when it's something significant - SICK 'EM! Fair enough if it's a simple oversight, but don't lie to me and tell me you've posted it (especially more than once) when you haven't!

07 Aug 15 3:33 PM

I have had several Prizes to chase up. One took 10 weeks. To begin with I messaged several times re who had Won. Then when I found out I was one of the Winners I sent my details. It took many messages and weeks to get it. Valued at approx $170. Companies have had their promotion from the Comp, they should honour it. Partly it could be out of sight out of mind once the Comp is over, partly the distributor BUT ultimately they should be Professional and Businesslike and make sure to deliver the Prize you were awarded. Good Luck!

07 Aug 15 6:31 PM

I usually chase it up once or twice, but if the prize is just a DVD or something low in value, I usually just write it off if it doesn't arrive. I've had prizes turn up long after the competition, and one even turned up before they announced the winner. I consider it karmic when one doesn't arrive, like the universe owes me one. It encourages me to think I'll win a bigger prize next time.

08 Aug 15 7:14 AM

Thanks for those responses guys, all very welcome and it makes me want to keep at them as the prize is $999 large screen TV. Although I have had no response to my last emails - simply saying "I as yet had no contact from the local Harvey Norman" (as promised by them in prior emails)
Again all very frustrating!

08 Aug 15 8:30 AM

If the company you are having trouble with has a Facebook page, post something on there directly. It's public, and they don't like negative publicity. It's the only way I got the mob I dealt with, to act!

08 Aug 15 10:53 AM

Thanks for the tip, but I'm not on facebook

08 Aug 15 11:20 AM

Wolverine.. I have posted on Musashi wall saying 'winner of TV still waiting on their prize'. Hope you don't mind

09 Aug 15 12:26 AM

No I don't mind at all, thankyou for the gesture. Hopefully I can return the favour one day, I also hope it has some impact. Cheers again!

09 Aug 15 8:22 AM

Keep at it... don't give up!

09 Aug 15 2:01 PM

I won a Samsung vacuum cleaner that took months to get. Had to keep chasing it. Ended up going on their online help chat did the trick. I reckon one arm of the company started talking to the other.
The Stratco Win One Wednesday took a second email but sorted out pretty quickly.

10 Aug 15 7:40 AM

No are most welcome @wolverine
All the best.. And keep persevering

12 Aug 15 12:31 AM

They responded by saying...."the team at Musashi has reviewed the list of winners and unfortunately your name is not among the winners. Did you receive a confirmation email that you had won?'

I never mentioned I had won!! But let them know the winner is still waiting on his TV he won.

I'm surprised they answered at all cause I had told them that Harvey Norman and them need to get their shit together !! Lol

Good Luck!!

12 Aug 15 9:12 AM

Oh.. The image did work!! Oops

12 Aug 15 9:13 AM

Oops.. Not sure if you are male or female!! :-)

12 Aug 15 9:15 AM

yes I'm male - thanks for keeping at it on my behalf Tiesha, its greatly appreciated.
I have contacted musashi via the website this time and have had an email to say they will follow it up (but that was days ago and still no further information from them)
I have also had contact from a Harvey Norman rep in Victoria (I am in SA) to say my local store should be in contact soon (again that was days ago and still nothing!)
If I was a customer buying this item I would be mighty pissed off with the lack of service.

12 Aug 15 10:57 AM

... and therein lies the answer I think .... it's FREE so they don't care whether you're annoyed or not. Mind you, I'm sure the promoter paid for the item (albeit @ warehouse price) so it should still be delivered. Don't give up. It's YOUR TV now, and they have it. Let us know how you go! :-)

12 Aug 15 12:49 PM

@Tiesha! Good on you for chasing them on someone elses behalf. That's lovely of you to do!

12 Aug 15 12:50 PM

Thanks @Roobycat..they should be pulled up on this and another voice wouldn't hurt
In saying that.. They have gone quiet.. Time for follow up @wolverine?

14 Aug 15 3:59 PM

How long has it been now @wolverine. Time to call in the big guns if you are now being completely ignored. A $1000 prize, is by no means SMALL, and they've had long enough to sort themselves out. I'd be contacting the gaming authority now.

14 Aug 15 4:58 PM

Well guys good news at long last, after many many email and phone call ping pongs I have finally had the prize delivered today. It has been well over two months since I was first informed I had won this prize. So thanks to all those who encouraged me to keep at it and helped out along the way!

14 Aug 15 9:07 PM

Oh that's great news! Good for you! Atleast you (and we) know whose comps to steer clear of from now on. Enjoy you TV!

15 Aug 15 7:29 AM

Great news! I'm sure you really appreciate it.. Now it's finally arrived :-)

18 Aug 15 7:22 AM