
I've Won

From QPAC Facebook

Double Pass to Holding the Man!

Other Winners here:¬if_t=comment_mention

197 Wins in my now TWELVE MONTH Winning Streak/ Marathon.
163 this year
3 this week
3 today!



10 Aug 15 5:47 PM

@Inwithachance, the T&C clearly state...

3.   Entry is open to all Queensland residents excluding Trust members, directors, officers, management and employees of QPAC and any entities associated with the Competition (including suppliers of the prize/s), and their immediate families.

I do believe you are ineligible. Sorry, mate.

11 Aug 15 9:55 AM

@admin Re the reply to this post by member toxicgherkin. Please be advised as with all Comps I read the t's & c's. QPAC are aware of my details and I have been advised my pass is posted.
Where I currently live is private, please maintain members' privacy and confidentiality and ask this member to a) not post any details re other members on this Forum b) not post on any of my posts.
It may be an idea to allow a facility on this Forum to be able to block members who refuse to respect you and leave you alone, even though they may be blocked on other site/s.
My family and friends all agree, treating people with decency and leaving them in peace is what is right

11 Aug 15 11:25 AM

Without getting into the middle of anything, and especially not getting anyone off side, as I'm not that kind of person, I think all that toxic is pointing out is that the company themselves have broken their own T&C's, which is what gets on ALL compers nerves. That's one thing that I DO expect, is that if they state rules, then they themselves must adhere to the rules. Otherwise there may as well not be any. I've seen some awesome comps that I would love to win, but then I see that I am ineligible either because of where I live, or age or whatever, so I leave it alone. I couldn't think of any worse feeling than 'winning' and then having that win taken off me. Although this one is only a very small prize, if it was something a lot bigger, then the company would find themselves in all kinds of trouble :-) ... just my two cents

11 Aug 15 12:12 PM

@roobycat As you are unaware of previous issue/s please realise a) people move location,(once again, privacy and confidentiality) b) all that is happening here is someone who is blocked on Facebook and knows why is insisting on bothering someone else who has never done anything to him.
Recent remarks about McDonald's Fries and Coke Wins not being noteworthy, (though others entered , Won and commented thanking me), questioning a 'tea-towel' Win when as stated it's a piece of autographed Movie Memorabilia.
Regrettably in Comping there are those who are jealous and behave pitifully. I am and have always been a polite, respectful, friendly, encouraging person. I have said MANY times I cannot believe my Luck. My posts are to encourage others, let people see you CAN Win a lot! As I have said before.
As you said you don't want to get in the middle of something, it's probably best to realise when you don't know the full story you comment on an issue that is wider and entirely one sided. I have done nothing whatsoever to anyone.
My family and friends are aware of the whole blocking story and are entirely unimpressed by it.
There are many decent people on this Forum, then there are others. Thankyou.

11 Aug 15 12:49 PM

Hi Guys,

Let's try to keep the forums as a friendly place. Don't forget we're a community of compers who all enjoy the same hobby.

@Toxicgherkin try to refrain from mentioning any members whereabouts - there's no reason to engage in overly negative behaviour.


11 Aug 15 12:49 PM

@Zedmin Thankyou.

11 Aug 15 12:51 PM

@inwithachance. Fair enough, but this IS a public forum, and I can only go on what I see posted here. I don't know either of you personally, and no I don't know your 'history', nor do I want to. I shall refrain from commenting on anything further then. Have a good day

11 Aug 15 1:11 PM

@Inwithachance let me just thank you. I enjoy reading your posts about your wins. When I was first contemplating starting up comping as a hobby, I was reading these forums, and it was your posts that stuck out the most, so thank you. Its not all about the BIG wins, you keep me thinking a long the lines that a 'win is a win not matter how small' (to rephrase dr sues). Sometimes I get discouraged that I have only won small items (although a few), but then I read your posts and realise it all adds up, and the more you keep entering, the more chance you have of that BIG win). If people only ever posted the BIG wins, this would be a very boring forum. I often wonder how you find so many competitions, especially on facebook (seriously I would LOVE to know lol). Also, I don't comment too much on here any more, after a comment was made on one of my posts about not being entitled to the win (the natgeo camera comp) - I still am not sure why my post was targeted, but it was. I know not everyone is like that, but Id rather try and avoid it as much as possible. I do enjoy reading about wins though, so please don't stop posting - thank you again - cheers Shannon

11 Aug 15 1:37 PM

I don't know the history but I noticed that some of the comments seemed to be judgemental. There is nothing to say you can only post wins over x amount of dollars. I enjoy comping but I didn't know it was a competitive sport in itself. I thought the point of this forum was to share our wins and encourage each other not to put others down. If someone doesn't agree with someone else's post then you can ignore it or if it really bothers you report to admin.

11 Aug 15 2:07 PM

@roobycat That is absolutely fine roobycat. I realised you were doing your best to comment sensibly, though out of context. I have noticed you are ALWAYS a straightforward, friendly, fun person. One thing though, in fairness to myself, the 'history' IS one-sided and like the person that instigated it, an outright bore. Best of Luck for a Big Win for you soon!

11 Aug 15 2:57 PM

@kaybee72 Indeed. Good Luck!

11 Aug 15 2:57 PM

@Shannon06 Yes I witnessed the nastiness over the cameras. When you are good natured and like seeing people happy, it IS difficult to comprehend the malice behind the puerile drivel some malcontents spout. Before I started Comping I always wondered how 'Winners' did it and thought Good Luck to them. Now that I am one, I can only say how nice it is that you would take the time to be supportive and encouraging. Dignity suggests it is always best to ignore foul people. However, there are times when it is best to intervene before matters become worse. After MONTHS of jealous, petty, sniping; today I thought best to comment. Ofcourse I'll keep posting, you don't let miserys spoil the fun. BEST OF LUCK TO YOU! : )

11 Aug 15 3:02 PM

@Forum, @Zedmin
no nastiness over the cameras issue. I was playing Devil's Advocate. We all seem to complain when promoters do not adhere to published T&C. I posed the question. That's all.

11 Aug 15 8:49 PM

@Shannon06, the site's daily competition is now open - the link now works. Grab your points now. :)

11 Aug 15 9:44 PM

@Zedmin, character assassination will never be tolerated. Please contact me to discuss. An open in-context discussion is what I was seeking here. That's all.

11 Aug 15 9:46 PM

@Roobycat, i agree with you, i wish i could say my true opinion but not here, not now!! Talk about temperamental!!

12 Aug 15 8:13 AM

@Trevsta Temperamental? no. Self respecting, yes. BTW Please explain what your remark,

04 Aug 6:55 PM
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1358 points

Ranked #12

"Oh come with us a gallop!!!! Pffft"

on my recent horse poster Win means, particularly the "Pffft". Seems disparaging; jealous or just rude?

12 Aug 15 9:47 AM

@inwithachance, you have your nickers in a knot, you read into things too much, mellow out mate, Good luck :)

12 Aug 15 10:37 AM

@JoLee As you have no idea what you are talking about, please don't show your ignorance, why not show some common sense and why not mind your own business?
I don't think interjecting into a history you do not fully know is polite or sensible regarding your remark to me here:

12 Aug 10:37 AM
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1379 points

Ranked #11

@inwithachance, you have your nickers in a knot, you read into things too much, mellow out mate, Good luck :)

12 Aug 15 10:41 AM

Chill Out Mate, your an interesting character, jealous, not a chance buddy, may all the luck continue with you, chillax bro, lol

12 Aug 15 10:41 AM

@Trevsta I am 'chill' it's you that's petty. The "Pffft" meant?

12 Aug 15 10:43 AM

Whats with the name calling, wow your a keyboard warrior, also a bully, this forum is everyone's business, picking on girl compers cause she had an opinion, wow i am gobsmacked at your lack of intelligence , i am over this forum cause of you and your silly attitude, your a blow in mate aND YOU ALSO LOOK LIKE A BLOWFLY, SORRY, OVER AND THANK GOD OUT, WHAT A TOSSER, @Jolee, i am sure most people agree, toxic, don't you dare have a sat PFFFTT

12 Aug 15 10:51 AM

@admin Please advise members toxicgherkin, trevsta and jolee to refrain from further comments on this post or any of my other posts. This is abuse here caused by jealousy. Two blocked members on Facebook toxicgherkin and trevsta, and another jolee who I do not know to be male or female.
This just now from Trevsta is unacceptable,
12 Aug 10:51 AM
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1358 points

Ranked #14

Whats with the name calling, wow your a keyboard warrior, also a bully, this forum is everyone's business, picking on girl compers cause she had an opinion, wow i am gobsmacked at your lack of intelligence , i am over this forum cause of you and your silly attitude, your a blow in mate aND YOU ALSO LOOK LIKE A BLOWFLY, SORRY, OVER AND THANK GOD OUT, WHAT A TOSSER, @Jolee, i am sure most people agree, toxic, don't you dare have a sat PFFFTT

12 Aug 15 10:54 AM

I blocked you fool

12 Aug 15 10:56 AM

@Trevsta Please go away, and you know I blocked you.

12 Aug 15 10:57 AM

Control freak. Away i shall go because of you

12 Aug 15 11:00 AM

@Trevsta I am a polite, straight forward, self respecting person actually. You are FINALLY going to leave me alone? Thankyou.

12 Aug 15 11:08 AM

@HellHound Inwithachance has as much right to post as much as he wants here as anyone else... There's no reason to discuss someone's location at all on this forum.

@Inwithachance i'd suggest you update your privacy settings on FB since it's been raised. Email me if you need help.

This thread is closed... Let's keep it civil pleae

12 Aug 15 12:55 PM