
Introductions / Social Meetups

Hi Everyone!

I just wanted to introduce myself as I'm going to be guest posting on the blog here on
I'm a comper from way back in 2009 and my first post is about how entering those 25WOL comps ignited my creativity!
I'm also a Melbournian, chocolate lover, blogger and writer. My biggest prize I've won was a $1000 linen voucher and my biggest year was about $2000 worth of prizes. But I'm still holding out for an overseas holiday!
Here's my first post 'Why you should always keep your 25 Word or Less answers'

Hope you all enjoy,


14 Aug 15 7:42 PM

Cool. Im Trev. Look forward to your blog :)

14 Aug 15 8:32 PM

Lol funny that you mention this. Every time I win something half decent, people always say 'what did you write?' to which I answer 'no idea'. I've been saying for months that I'll start keeping all my answers, but then I copy and paste about 3 and I'm over it lol. I really just type whatever comes into my head at the time, and ALL of my biggest wins in the 12 months I've been doing this (2 x $2000 cash, $500 cash, years supply of chocolate, 5 star weekend away, computer etc etc) have all been 25 WOL, so I focus on those more than anything now. I've had (what I think are) good answers win AND lose, and I've had very ordinary ones win, so you really just never know

14 Aug 15 8:59 PM

Cool, looking forward to it! :)

15 Aug 15 8:06 AM

Welcome aboard, LuckyNicky. May I say what an inspirational first blog it is too. I'm in the midst of my proactive digital Spring Clean as well. Good for the soul!

15 Aug 15 10:41 AM

Welcome and thank you for the sound advice. I don't usually keep my WOL answers but should so I will from now on :)

15 Aug 15 5:56 PM

Thanks so much everyone!

15 Aug 15 7:09 PM

@roobycat - Wow the force is strong with you! I know what you mean at the end of the day it is just luck. You just never know how the judges are going to judge. It's good to keep your WOL because down the track you may wish you had of.

15 Aug 15 7:13 PM

@toxicgherkin Thanks so much!

15 Aug 15 7:14 PM

@LuckyNicky I already DO wish I'd kept them, moreso, so I know what wins and what doesn't lol. Oh well, ONE day I will lol

15 Aug 15 8:21 PM

Hi @luckyNicky looking forward to reading your posts! Thanks

18 Aug 15 7:36 AM