
General Chatter

Don't you hate it when ........ you've recently won a major prize from a website, with which you are extremely thrilled, but then they run yet another comp, and that prize is also AWESOME, but you know deep down, that even if you do have the best entry, they probably won't pick you because you won their last one. Or is that just me? Anyone else got any 'I hate it when's? ..........

19 Aug 15 12:36 PM

First of all congrats on the win - second of all what was the website so I know to enter lol
I do the same thing, if I have won something from someone I don't normally enter off them again as I think that I wont have very good chances of winning a second prize from the same company (although I have never won anything major.....yet lol)

19 Aug 15 1:48 PM

Yeah, I entered a comp the other day from a site I'd won some tickets from then I thought why did I just do that? I think it's really hard to win twice in a short time. Would be interesting to see if anyone has though! :)

19 Aug 15 3:28 PM

I won a Samsung phone from a company once and then the next comp they ran was to win a MacBook!
I still entered and had one of the best entries (in my own opinion!) that I've ever come up with and answered the question really well and creatively but I didn't win. They took longer than normal to announce the winner so I told myself they were probably arguing between themselves whether it's acceptable to award a prize to me again 😁
Though I'm sure someone else just had a much better entry lol. I'm actually not that full of myself!
More recently I won the Slideliner tickets to the Bledisloe which was the major prize but now I'm not likely to win the minor prize of the $6999 TV!
Which seems like a pretty major prize to me

19 Aug 15 3:51 PM

And 'I hate it when' the terms and conditions say the winner will be announced on their page on a certain date and then that date comes and goes. Put me out of my misery already! Even if I haven't won I still want to know the judging has been done and a winner chosen

19 Aug 15 4:01 PM

I hate it when I get an email that has 'Congratulations' in the description and my heart skips a beat, but then goes on..."to the winner of our competition. Go to see if it is you". If it was me, the email would have said "Congratulations you have won".

19 Aug 15 8:16 PM

I hate it when family holiday prizes can't be taken in school holidays. Not much good then is it.

19 Aug 15 8:17 PM

I hate it when the WOL question is "What do you like about (CD, Book, Movie, DVD)?". I haven't seen it. That's why I want to win it.

19 Aug 15 8:20 PM

Haha. I agree with all of the above. I recently won 2 (minor) prizes from the same company on Facebook. Both were 25WOL but the comps were running concurrently so I didn't know I had won the first one when I entered the second.

19 Aug 15 9:29 PM

Well done Brooksta. Sometimes I prefer the minor prizes to the major prize.

19 Aug 15 9:30 PM

I've won two prizes from the same site within weeks of each other. Who cares if you've won before? The prize goes to the best entry, not the second-best. The idea of 'fairness' is not part of the Terms and Conditions, so it shouldn't enter your mind (unless you like to give the even better prizes to someone else, lol).

19 Aug 15 10:26 PM

Hahahahaha @ these answers! Wow! I completely agree with them all! @Jrob71 - just this morning, I had an email with 'Congratulations' as the subject. I thought here we go again .... more misleading junk mail ..... and I HAD won an outdoor BBQ light! lol divergent, I guess that makes sense. I might have a crack anyway then :-)

20 Aug 15 10:44 AM

Nobody ever told Roger Federer "You can't enter that tournament, you won it last time".

22 Aug 15 8:01 PM

I've though of another...
I hate it when the advertising says "just enter you details/sign up for your chance to win:, then when you've given them the info they say "Step 2. Now share, answer, vote, do a backflip...). When I can't comply I'm then stuck with an unwanted newsletter subscription and no chance of winning.

22 Aug 15 8:04 PM

It just happened. I filled out my details signing up to the newsletter. Then a survey. Then was told I had to share with a friend to complete entry (and by the way, you are not entered unless they also sign up). Think I'll start reading Ts and Cs.

22 Aug 15 9:14 PM

I hate those too Jrob71. Requires too much effort and annoying other people!

23 Aug 15 7:21 AM

@Jrob71 Yessssssssssss I HATE those too! 'Simple one step entry', so you fill it in, and then there's 465 'would you like to be contacted by .....' questions. I just close the screen and tell them out loud to shove it lol and yes I'm picky with what I enter that requires sharing. I don't want to become one of 'those, that bombards everyone else on my Facebook and email with things I want to win

24 Aug 15 9:19 AM