
General Chatter

Hi guys, I wonder if someone may be able to message a Co about comp winners. Comp ended 31st May and I have messaged 3 times and they keep saying the winner will be announced soon, the last message being about 3 weeks ago. It was a really big prize and I don't trust when winners aren't announced, even if it's not me I would just like to know they actually did pick someone. I don't want to message again in case they blacklist me :(

It was Creative Holidays and the comp was Build your Own Holiday worth $15,000. Their FB site is

TIA :)

19 Aug 15 1:09 PM

I didn't enter that as you had to be a travel agent, lucky person who did win it though.
I've just sent them a message though😄

19 Aug 15 1:19 PM

Thanks a million :) I am an agent and they said a winner would be announced through the "normal channels" so I have been keeping an eye on all the newsletters, their website and FB and nothing.

19 Aug 15 1:49 PM

Cool, it was definitely a great comp, I'll let you know when I get a reply

19 Aug 15 4:38 PM

Finally got a reply, winner from italk travel

25 Aug 15 4:14 PM